You could call me sensitive
Or maybe I'm just weak
Who doesn't know how to take anything
But that's not the case
If you seen what I was hiding
You'd witness the battle I'm fighting
This place keeps me insane
But it's your doing
And you don't have a clue
That this is all on you
Let's see you walk my oath
Just for a day
And live my way
Oh, but I can't think for myself
So you must become my mind
At least then
You'll see how dark it is inside
I'm too young
To be in this much pain
Wake me up
From this nightmare
These bad thoughts
Have got me scared
My fears speak loud and clear
Am I enough?
Did I give the right amount of love?
Did I say something wrong?
I wish I knew
What was going on
I do not find myself useless
I have enough sense
To see through your lies
Trying to get up higher
Above one another
PoetryCutting open my heart to pour out how I feel. It comes down in floods of blood as words scatter on the floor in a jumbled mess or a pathetic attempt to explain my feelings. A book filled with all of my poetry. Enjoy the somewhat dark and somewhat li...