Hate me for everything
Get the last word in
This is too normal for us
We'll never know how this happened
I'd rather drown in the water
Than stay with you and bleed
It won't get any better
Just you watch and see
I had this sanity
You were slowly stealing
I couldn't believe what I was finding
Anger is brewing loathsome feelings
When the time comes
You'll have nowhere to run
Stay and surrender to everyone
You keep me on my feet
By ruining everything
And every mess you make
Is always left for me
As these days pass
You're still not missed
There's plenty of goodbyes
That I haven't kissed
I promise you this
Our blood has discord
We don't see eye to eye
We won't rejoice
The little light in your eye
Was just a gleam of mischief
Your green is not of life and energy
But of greed and envy
PoetryCutting open my heart to pour out how I feel. It comes down in floods of blood as words scatter on the floor in a jumbled mess or a pathetic attempt to explain my feelings. A book filled with all of my poetry. Enjoy the somewhat dark and somewhat li...