A swollen heart
And a broken hand
So you don't know the person I am
You cannot run
I need all the love
Do you have what I'm thinking of?
Doors stay ajar
Dimmed lights peeking in
Adjusting my eyes to the dark
We may not be able to see each other clear
We can only hear
So tell me your favorite season
Is it winter
That reminds you to stay cold
Or is it summer
That melts the ice off your soul
I know you saw the blood
Did you see who it's coming from?
Did you understand this?
It wasn't fair
I had to be the one to feel
And you were lucky enough not to care
I thought I had the answer
With my on finger on the trigger
In this moment
It finally hit
I loved you so much
I'd destroy myself
Because of what you hated
Way down I fall
Further to the bottom
I can still see you smiling at the top
After all that's been done
I'm not the only one
I should be jealous
By the beauty and elegance of your death
The red clashes against your porcelain skin
As it streams from your head
Remember when tragedy struck
And the effort to push through
Sidetracking myself from the direst
This is all for you
I try to make you feel special
Because I never do
I made the most of our time
Just for you to throw it away
Something to keep you occupied
And a minor memory
That you will never look back on today
PoetryCutting open my heart to pour out how I feel. It comes down in floods of blood as words scatter on the floor in a jumbled mess or a pathetic attempt to explain my feelings. A book filled with all of my poetry. Enjoy the somewhat dark and somewhat li...