thirty eight

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while taehyung panicked in the museum, rumi nuzzled her face into her knees right outside the museum, her heels on the granite road in front of her and the bench she was sitting on was starting to hurt her ass but she couldn't care enough to go inside. she wanted to text celeste but celeste was already in another city with her lover and she would hate to intrude. she knew that celeste would talk her through it, but she felt it was wrong to disturb her mind too.

rumi was pissed, but she also felt disappointed. for all she could know, aera probably put another wedge between them that would take another exhausting period of time to fix. and she was tired. tired of having to deal with someone who she probably wouldn't have had to if she weren't with taehyung. but she was, she was also whipped as hell for him. she couldn't just up and leave him because of an external factor and at this time, she felt like she couldn't leave even if she wanted to. that's how deep in she was.

conflicted, that's all she felt even as she heard footsteps approach her. she didn't even turn to see who it was; she knew it was taehyung and she noticed another person beside him, who tapped his back and left as quickly as he came. his boots came into view before he did for her, she still couldn't bring herself to look at him when she was having an internal breakdown over every choice she's ever made.

"you shouldn't be out here, the show isn't over" she mumbled, sinking further into the bench, ignoring his eyes that followed her every move and looking away to her left, it was just trees and lights, no more people, and she admired the dead silence that seemed to cover the night.

"you shouldn't either" he sat down beside her; breath still slightly heavy from having run over to where she was. she sighed, already tired of the conversation that was going to happen. she also felt a tinge of guilt tug at her heart as she heard his labored breath.

he must have been worried.

she was being selfish, she knew she was, she was only thinking of the damage she was dealing with, not thinking of taehyung who was probably also tired of having these discussions.

is he getting tired of me, too?

"taehyung, not now, just go inside, i'll be there in a bit" she almost gritted her teeth in annoyance when her mind decided to replay that one second of taehyung and aera going into one of the rooms in the back. it shouldn't bother her this much, even she knew that she was too mature to overanalyze the situation but she couldn't help it, everything that aera brought in was always an extreme hurdle. she didn't know if she had the energy to get through this one too.

"i'm not leaving you here." he said determinedly and sank into the bench too making rumi roll her eyes in frustration.

"don't be fucking stubborn taehyung, just go in" she snapped at him, another immediate gush of guilt filling her stomach with a sinking feeling when she saw the flash of hurt that sparked in his eyes. just as she began to apologize, she saw him run his hands through his hair with a weak smile on his face.

there was radio silence between them for a good 10 minutes before taehyung decided that he wasn't going to have another argument because of aera.

"rumi, i get what it must've looked like but nothing happened with aera" he reassured her, moving closer to her and she didn't believe him, she just didn't, which caused her to scoot further away from him.

"and how am i supposed to believe that? you both seemed real fucking cozy going into those rooms" she kicked her heel around, not knowing how else to let out her annoyance. and then she felt two arms wrap themself around her and bring her closer, making her lean on his chest, she let out a small sigh at the warmth she felt from being on him and it almost immediately relaxed her. she hated how simply this argument fizzled to nothing as soon as he hugged her, but she was enjoying his warmth in this dead cold night more than that.

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