A Hell Raising Day (Chapter 15)

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Do you like the pic up the top? I know I do :) and sorry for the wait. I know I said I would update in the holidays but it's been a mess. My mums been in hispital twice, then some dumb ass driver nearly ran her over. So... yeah but here you go and I hope you like this chap. And who knows. Riddick's cougar form might be here. But here you go chapter.....Um. .?

Sinner's POV

So for some strange reason we are helping the....group out of here.... WHY! but we have no choice. So here we are outside with the bioraptors. I shifted my eyes to my night eyes so I could see in the dark. Riddick took off his goggle.

"Stay close" Riddick said as me, him and Johns were on the rock over looking the land the will have to run through. Fun. "Wait" I said as I looked around and up in the sky. There was one bioraptor. "Looks clear" Riddick said. I smiled as Johns got up. The raptor swooped in barely missing him.

"YOU SAID IT WAS CLEAR!" Johns whispered loudly. "I said it looks clear" Riddick smiled. I laughed. "You bitch" I heard Johns say. I stopped laughing and turned to the group. "Well it looks like someone doesn't appreciate my help, I guess I could leave Riddick to you guys and I'll meet you all at the ship" I said as I was looking at Johns. "NO!" The group yelled glaring at Johns.

"Well then, let's get going shall we?" I said smirking. I walked past Riddick swaying my hips. -growl- I heard him. He walked up behind me and grabbed my hips. "Stop doing that, or I might be able to stop myself" he said smelling my hair. "OK love birds. We need to hurry" Johns said.

I hate him. "So what does it look like now?" Johns said. Me and Riddick looked at each other. And we both said at the same time "Looks clear"

(Skip to scene where Paris is going to die cause I can't be bothered to write out about the talk between Johns and fry.) ......so yeah

"What do you see Riddick?" Fry asked as she saw Riddick look straight ahead. "Hunger. 60 years of hunger" He said, then continued to walk. We continued walking for a while. "The canyon...... Jack.." I said to riddick. We heard a cocking of a shotgun.

I looked behind and saw Johns pointing a gun at the both of us. As if he could shoot us. "We crosse our own tracks" Imam said. "HE'S RUNNING US AROUND IN FUCKING CIRCLES! LOKK AROUND YOU!!" Johns yelled. Fry started to talk "Riddick, Sinner what the hell are you guys-" "Look" I said. "Canyon ahead, we circled around to find more time" Riddick continued for me.

"What the hell are you talking about" Johns said. Gun still pointing at us. "What's it going to be like when we hit that canyon. With her bleeding" Riddick said. I froze. He didn't. "What are you talking about? Fry or Sinner has no cuts. We checked" Johns said.

"Not those two" Riddick continued. Then turned to look at Jack. I growled than ran towards Jack covering her. "Jack.... Is that true?" Fry said walking towards her in disbelief. I growled again this time at fry. Jack was near tears. "I didn't want to be left at the ship....that's why I didn't say anything..." Jack said as a tear slid down her face.

I hugged her whispering calming words. "No. No Jack we wouldn't do that. Oh hon you should have said that sooner" Fry said coming towards us again and hugged Jack. I got off her. "They've been nose open for her blood since we came out of the ship" Riddick said. I let out a warning growl to Him. Mate or not. I won't let anything happen to Jack.

"Well we must keep her close. Keep her safe" Imam said. "There's no safe place outside" Riddick continued. I'm going to kill him. "Its not going to work" Fry said "we got to go back". I saw Johns. He was not happy.

"You're the one that said to come out here. NOW YOU WANT US TO GO BACK?!" Johns said angrily. "I was wrong. OK admit it. My bad ok? Now can we just get back to the ship?" Fry said. "YOU KNOW WHAT BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP! ILL TAKE CARE OF JACK JUST WALK!!" I yelled at them.

I looked at Jack. "When I turn into my panther form, you get on ok?" I said to her. She nodded. "Oh and how are you going to do that" Johns said. I looked at him then turned into my wolf form. They all gasped again. I growled at Johns and he backed away.

I walked towards Jack and lied on the floor. She got on and held my fur tightly. I got up and growled at them. Riddick started to walk again and I walked next to him. 'Riddick' I said in my mind. 'how are you doing that?' He replied back to me using his mind.

'You were always able to do that?' He said looking at me. 'Yes' I replied. We walked till we were near the canyon. I walked behind him. The. Johns came up and started talking to him. I hope he kills him. I looked behind and saw Fry telling the group to slow down. I walked next to them.

We found a place to sit. Relatively near Johns and Riddick. I lied down and Jack got off me. "Thank you sinner" Jack said as he rubbed his face into my fur. I licked his face, then suddenly Johns and Riddick started fighting. Oh Johns is going to die. "Leave the sled, GO GO" Fry said as the group and herself ran.

"Sinner?" Jack said. I shook my head nudging her too go with Fry. She ran to the group. As I looked back in front. There was a raptor directly in front of me. Face to face.

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Ok so. That was it. Till next time on "Not afraid of the dark? You should be"

Love you guys and good night.

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