Controlled (Chapter 5)

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Haha... Sorry for not updating.....

Riddick's voice thought
Sinner's voice thought

Sinner's POV

Hello? Where am I? Who am I...... Someone help me.....

Riddick's POV

I arrived at Crematoria. I found Jack. All I need to do is get her out of here and get Sinner. I was going to contact her till,

Hello? Where am I? Who am I...... Someone help me.....

Sinner what's happening? Are you ok?

Who are you? Am I going crazy? Someone please help me......

I was then cut off from the link. Sinner.... What did they do to you? I'm going to kill them

Sinner's POV

"Wake up. Wake up" Someone said poking me. I opened my eyes and saw the person. Does he know me? I was about to ask him till someone else walked over. He looked important. "You are saying that the Panther turned into the woman here?" The important one said.

"Yes my lord" The man said. "My my how interesting" The important one said, then he looked at me. Do they know who I am- All of a sudden my memories came back to me. I looked at the important one. The marshal. I snarled at him and shifted into my Panther form.

I was about to jump on him when electricity went through my body. I snarled and growled in pain. It stopped. I kept panting, thoughts of killing him in many ways came into my mind. It was then I noticed that I had a collar I'm me. That bastard.

"So. A shifter" The marshal said. "Interesting" He said smiling.

SINNER! Riddick, I thought.

Are you ok? I called you before but you kept asking who you were...are you ok?

I'm fine.... They did something to me which must've made me lose my memories. I got them back. Don't worry.

Thank god.

I need to go..... Find me.....

I cut off the link as soon as the marshal looked at me again. I tried to bite him but I got shocked again. I will kill him. "Now now, I can't have you kill me and everyone in this ship. You will work for me." The marshal said.

I shifted back to human. "No way in hell will I ever work for you" I said snarling. "Well. You don't have a choice" he said smirking. All of a sudden I felt something sharp go into my neck from the collar. It hurt. It hurt a lot. I swear someone was screaming. Oh, it was me. I was standing but now I'm on the floor

I couldn't move. I could see, hear and smell but not move. What did he do? "Get up" he said. My body moved on its own. I could see but I can't do anything. "The perfect soldier" he said smirking. "Vaako" he said. "Yes my lord?" Someone said from behind me.

"Go find the Riddick. Take her with you" the marshal said. And that was it. "Let's go" Vaako said. My body again moved on its own.

Riddick. Stay safe. Everyone is looking for you. But they did something to me again. It's not my body anymore.

What do you mean?

If we find you, don't go near me. I'm not in control of my body. Plz

Sinner. I will find you and I will kill anyone who gets in my way.

I know you will.

I closed the link. Without realising it, me and other soldiers were on a ship. ..... Destination.... Crematoria

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