King? (Chapter 2)

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Hi guys. Sorry for the last update. But it looks like no one read my recent chapter :(

Sinners POV
After my breakdown, Riddick found me. He didn't say anything. But he took the necklace from imams neck. We then looked at each other. Revenge burned bright in both our eyes. I smiled. Someone was going to die soon.

We arrived in the round central meeting place where everyone was (-_- seriously, anyone knows what that place was called?) I was in my panther form in the shadows. Opposite of where Riddick was. On the other side of the room.

I admit, we missed a lot of this 'verse talk'. "Because there is another verse, a verse where life is welcomed and cherished. A ravishingly, ever new place called Underverse. But the road to that verse... Crosses over the threshold." Said a priest?

"THRESHOLD TAKE US TO THE THRESHOLD" yelled every soldier in the room. I growled in the shadows. Some people saw me. But they were more scared of the man in the centre of the room.

"Look around you. Every necromonger in this hall, everyone of the Legion Vast that just swept aside your defended in one night... Was once like you" he continued. I bet they had no choice I mind linked Riddicks. He only looked at the direction of where I was.

"Every Necromonger that lives today... Is a convert" the man said. There was sudden yelling in the crowd. "There'll be no conversions!" Someone yelled. "It was hard for me to accept too. When I first heard those words. But I changed. I let them take away my pain.

"You betrayed your faith!" A man yelled. Will the priest man thing ever shut up I thought. All I heard was a laugh in my mind. "For those who have embraced the Necromonger faith, for those of you who will drop to your knees and ask to be purified-"

"We will not renounce our faith!" Someone was going to die. "No one will do what you ask. It is unthinkable!" The man said as he walked towards the man in the middle. "This is a world of many religions and we simply will not be converted!"

"...then I'll take your soul" the man said as he took a pale image from the mans body. The soul. There were several gasps. I just growled lowly. "Join him" the body drops to the ground. "Or join me" the man said.

Almost instantly but reluctantly everyone went on their knees. Only one figure remained standing. It was Riddick. "This is your one chance. Take the lord marshals offer and bow" the priest said. "I bow to no man" Riddick said

"He's not a man. He is the holy half dead who has seen the Underverse." A soldier said taking off his helmet. (squeal LORD VAAKO) "Look I'm not with everyone here. But I will take a piece of him" Riddick said. It was the soldier that killed Imam. I wanted to kill him too. Not yet Sinner Riddick said.

I just growled but stayed put. "A piece you shall have" the soldier said. Then walked out of his way. Tear him to pieces I hissed to Riddick. "Yes my mate"
The soldier ran towards Riddick and tried to tackle him. Riddick just took the knife in his body and stabbed it in his head, then broke off the knife.

There were a lot of gasps as people moved out of the way as the dead body fell down the stairs. "Stop him. Irgun one of my best" the lord marshal said. "If you say so" Riddick said. I chuckled in my mind.

The marshal then took the knife from 'Irgun'. I nearly left forward as he walked towards Riddick. Stay. I hissed at that command. I'm not a dog I linked to him. But I stayed. "What do you think of this blade?" The marshal said to my mate.

"I think it's a half gram heavy on the back end" Riddick said spinning the blade. Show off I said. "In our faith, you keep what you kill." He then looked at Riddick. Almost straining. "Have we met on some distant field?" He said

"You'd think I would remember" Riddick said. "You'd think I would too" the marshal replied. Turning around, he said "Take him to the quasi-deads" as soldiers came towards him.

"Perhaps the breeder would do it... If someone just asked him. It is a rare offer. A visit inside the necropolis" a woman in a golden snakeskin dress said. Touching him lightly.

"It's been a long time since I smelled beautiful" Riddick said smelling her. She smells like poison I hissed to Riddick. "Let me show you the way. Beautiful eyes. Come" she said leading Riddick away. "Sinner" he said. The woman looked at him.

"What?" Finally. I growled as I kept out of the shadows and into the centre of the hall. The marshal looked at me. I hissed at him. "Sinner" Riddick said again. I stopped and walked towards Riddick in my own grace. But I stopped halfway up the stairs.

I saw the soldier that smelled like the woman. Must be the wife. I thought to myself. I walked towards him. He looked surprised. I sniffed him and circled him. He smells nice mind linking to Riddick.

I rubbed my head against his legs. "Sinner" Riddick said but with a growl. I stopped and then walked towards him. I stopped and sat next to his legs. The soldier still looked surprised. Never do that again Riddick said mind
Linking me.

Jealous? I said back as I rubbed my head against his. The woman led Riddick onto the ship the priest next to him. I walked behind him. The 'lord' marshal walking next to me on the left, and the soldier on the right. It was like they were caging me in.

The marshal and the soldier looked at me in interest. All I did was growl at them. They smirked.


if only people would read....

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