SINNER! (Chapter 7)

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I was promised a cookie........ i want that cookie......


Sinners POV

Fuck this, fuck you. Fuck this cage, fuck the King, fuck you. These were repeating in my head over and over again as soon as the Marshal said that. I WANT TO KILL HIM.

Riddick... Help me.....

"Take her to her room. Get her cleaned up. Our wedding will be tonight" the Marshal said looking straight at me with a creepy perverted smirk. "My lord.... Is that a good ideas?" Vaako said.

"Do you question my actions? Vaako" the Marshal said. Glaring at his first in command. "N-no my lord. I shall Do  as you say" Vaako said.

Ha. Pussy bitch

I was led into a room. A very nice.... Room..... <----- 'sarcasm'. "Strip" Vaako said. Wait what?

Riddicks POV

I woke up in the garage... (?place thing) and saw the priest.

"I was supposed to deliver a message to you. If Vaako failed to kill you. From Lord Marshal himself. He tells you to stay away from Helios, stay away from him, in return you will no longer be hunted. But Vaako will most likely report you as dead"

"So this is your chance your chance to Do what no man has ever done before." The priest said. "Where is the girl. Where is my mate!" I half growled.

"Your mate? You mean the Lord's Queen?" The priest questioned. I growled and leapt at him. My eyes shone through my glasses. "TALK!" I yelled at him, barely holding in my anger. The priests eyes filled with fear.

 "My lord decided that...your mate would make a worthy queen. She is under his control..... I have made a lot of mistakes in my life..... My mate was taken away form me..... but I didn't fight back.....I let them take her. The lord marshal thought that she was an inconvenience. That she would only bring me down.... so he took her away from me. I was a coward. I still am. The Necromonger in me warns you not to go back. But the Furyan in me... hopes you won't listen" That was the priests last words before he stepped out into the hot storm.

I will get my mate back if its the last thing i do

Sinner's POV

FML As I looked into the mirror I saw myself and a horrifying wedding dress...... well I mean I looked hella good but NO NO BAD SINNER BAD NO. Ok sigh. FML


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"You look beautiful" The Marshal said as he came up behind me. Appearing in the mirror. "Most befitting for a Queen" My eye twitched. "Oh don't fell so bad my love. You are powerful, You are beautiful and You Are Mine" He said walking away. FML. Riddick.... where are you?


..... cookie?

The author says looking up with puppy dog eyes. pwease?....... pwease?


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