Sinner? (Chapter 8)

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"Do you Lord Marshal, take Sinner as your wife?" A priest said. "I do" The marshal said.

fuck fuck fuck "And do you Sinner, take the Lord Marshal as your husband?" fuck. "I-

"SINNER!!!!!!" A voice came from the crow. Riddick. "Stay your weapons. He came for me" The Marshal said as he walked down away from his throne...... stairs. "My Mate" Riddick growled.

"Consider this If you fall here now you'll never rise. But if you choose another way... the Necromonger way... you'll die in due time and rise again in the UnderVerse." He said.

"Kyra. And my Mate" He growled louder.

"Go to him" The Marshal said to someone. 

"Riddick. It hurts. At first. But after a while, the pain goes away, just as they promise" Kyra said Appearing from the crowd

"Are you with me, Kyra" Riddick asked looking straight at me as i slowly walked down the throne next to the Marshal.

"There's a moment... when you can almost see the UnderVerse through his eyes. It makes it sound perfect... a place where anyone can start over." She continued to say.

"Are you with me, Kyra?" Riddick asked again as Kyra walked away into the crown surrounding us.

"Convert now... or fall forever" The Marshal said.

"You've taken everything i have ever known" Riddick said looking to the area Kyra left. "You've taken everything i have ever loved" He gritted out staring at me.

I'm trying..... I'm trying Riddick...... I'm Sorry

Everything turned to hell.

 Riddick threw punches at the Marshal but T he Marshal doged every move, and hit Riddick back. There was one hard hit given to the Marshal though. "Been a long time since I've seen my own blood" He commented then he punched Riddick to the ground. 

"Give me your soul." The Marshal grunted, pulling Riddicks soul out. Riddick punched him in the face. "Fuck you" He growled. And the fighting continued. Eventually the Marshal fought dirty and took a spear.

A couple hard hits from the Marshal was what brought riddick down. "You're not the one to bring me down" The Marshal grunted again looming in front of Riddick. About to kill him

Out of no where Kyra appeared and stabbed The Marshal in the back. I could tell that something bad was going to happen. I found my strength and shrugged the mind control away. Just in time to push Kyra away from being pushed into a spike. It hurt. But i was able to say Kyra....... I did something good......useful..... for once......

"Kyra? KYRA!" Were the words i heard before i slumped to the ground.

forgive me



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