And continuing the story (Chapter 10)

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You people are so persistent!!! Seriously I got like 5 up people telling me to continue this story. Some people that read my first book before Wattpad deleted it. WHY ARE YOU STILL READING MY STORIES? oh well time to continue. Shame on you people make me continue this story (ok I might enjoy it) but Shame on you (points at all of you) AND RANDOM PICTURE AT THE TOP (comment if you want more random pictures.
Sinners POV
I walked outside and saw that Imam had gotten the water to come. That's good I thought water. I looked behind me and saw that riddick wasn't behind me. "Thank god he left me alone" I said aloud and walked to a building that wouldn't open. I tried to open the doors but it sounded like it had been chained on the inside. Strange

I felt someone behind me. He just walked right pass. Riddick what are you up to? He stood and tries the doors, "It's locked" I said. He peered through a small filthy window. "Did you hear something moving inside?" He asked me. "Yes, like fluttering or something" . "Coring Room." It said on the door.

"SINNER" Nathan yelled "what?" I said turning to look at him. "We're all needed at the ship, bring your new pet with you" He said then walked away. "What does he mean pet" Riddick said coming next to me growling. "Well, I have the tendency to have some boy toys when I'm bored" i said. I then smirked.

Riddick growled. "Sinner" he said warningly. "Hey didn't you hear Nathan? You're both missing the party. Come on" Johns said waiting for up. I laughed. Then went to walk after Nathan.

2 minutes later (say it like the guy in spongbob 😊)

We followed johns to the solar powered thing that provided water. .and for this, our gift of drink, "we give thanks in the name of our Prophet, Muhammad, peace be upon him, and to ourLord, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and to his father, Allah the Compassionate and the merciful" Imam said. "The strangest religion" Paris said. I think to himself.

"Hey Sinner, why don't you sing a song? I've heard you sing. You're pretty good" Nathan said. "Are we seriously letting her do that?" Sheva said "yes, besides. It might give us all a good mood" Johns said. Riddick just stared at me like the weirdo he was. (A hot weirdo) "fine" I said

"It's a small world after all" "no sinner, don't you dare" Johns said. Jack and the rest of the kids laughed. "At least they liked it" I said huffing. "Just continue" Nathan Said. " I pick all my skirts to be a little to sexy" "no" johns said. "Why not?" I said pouting. "Cause there are kids" Nathan said.

"You guys suck" I said. "Just go" Johns said. "For the kids. abcdefg gummy bears are chasing me, one is red" "NO" johns yelled. "OH COME ON" I yelled "just sing a song that is kid friendly" Shazza said. "How did you know that that song wasn't kid friendly?" I asked. She raised her eyebrows. "Ok I see your point. I'll sing this one then."

To be continued


That's all I got..l tell me a good song to finish. PLZ? Plz?

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