Chapter 2: MEMORIES and PUPPY!

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I HATE EXISTENCE?! WHAT IS LIFE? I'm so tired......... 

also that picture doe :p

i am literally watching the movie again just for this book........


We started to walk away from the water source and got out again. Further away from us was a giant cave with ruined pillars and a small landing in the middle with two stairs leading up to it. There was also a small pillar on top. Riddick pushed it and it fell over halfway on top of a medium sized opening. "Get in. We can't risk being in the open" he said and we both got inside it lying down.He closed the opening. Riddick curled his arm behind my back and he closed his eyes.

What did we expect. Did we really think they weren't going to kill us?

*Flash back of memories*

I was getting armoured fitted on me by two men. While Riddick was was getting helped my two woman. "You are the Lord Marshal now" One woman said. They led us back to the throne room. And Riddick sat on the throne. Me on the side holding the arm rest.

"What did we get into" I whispered.

As the  necromongers began chanting "THRESH HOLD TAKE US TO THE THRESH HOLD"

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As the  necromongers began chanting "THRESH HOLD TAKE US TO THE THRESH HOLD". We couldn't stay here. It was not meant for us. We left and found ourselves into the navigation room. Riddick was looking for our home in the maps. Furya. While i was in the shadows. By the door. Not trusting anyone. Vaako approached. In the shadows of the door.

"What are you doing?" I asked. I saw him jump slightly. Turning to look at me. I was staring right at him while playing with my knives. He gulped. You really wouldn't notice it unless you looked closely. I walked towards him and slid my hand underneath his chin. "I may like you... But try anything, and i WILL kill you" I purred and took my hand away.

He bowed and left the room. Riddick growled and walked towards me. Grabbing me and pushing me into a seat. "Mine" he growled. His eyes glaring into mine. "Mine" I purred holding his face and kissing him deeply. "We need to find it" He said. "And soon" I replied. We left the room and headed to his room. There i saw many naked women on his bed.

"Should i leave" I said staring at the women and listening to their pleas. "My lord join us" "Yes, come sleep" "Enjoy the night" My eyes flickered back to Riddick. "Good night Riddick. Have fun" I whispered into his ears as i slowly walked out. "I have my own..... Pleasures to look forward to as well" I said slyly.

As i got outside i heard a roar. "GET OUT" and all the women ran out the door. Riddick grabbed me and threw me onto the bed. Damn. This is a nice bed. i thought. Riddick pounced on me. "You're mine. and don't you forget it" He growled slightly and left me a bruising kiss. "Show me that I am yours Mate" He smirked.

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