Where's Nathan? (Chapter 14)

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So.... I'm sorry I didn't update.... Don't kill me.....

...random pic up top...ha.... Looks like it's my art project this time.

Sinner's POV

As we went back to the group I smelt something. It smelt like those bio-raptors. Imam was near the door. I growled and kept growling at the door. "Sinner? What's wrong" Jack said as she came to me. She started to pet me. Imam went closer To the door. I ran to him.

"Wait I hear something" just as he said that I kept up to him and pulled him away from the door. There were clicking noises and clanging sounds. I kept growling at the door. Riddick came up to me. "Shhh" he said as he led me away from the door.

"W-why do they sounds like that" Jack said. As the group continued to talk, I shifted back into my human form. Thank god I still have my clothes and weapons. I interrupted the group. "Sooo" I said. They all looked towards me. Where's Nathan?" I said.

Just as I said it, there was a scream and yell. And also a crunch. I smiled. "Oh well. He was dead weight anyway" I said as I took out my knife and started to clean it. You might want to move away from that door" I said. The door banged as Johns kept away from the door.

They all fell silent till there were more clicking sounds. This time it was closer. "What's that?" Pack asked. "Breach in the hull" Fry said as she looked around. They all looked at Johns...."I'd rather piss glass" Johns said. "Well, you got the big gauge" Riddick said.

I sighed and deeper in the hull. Imam and Jack saw me and went towards me. I opened up another hole to get through. Imam and Jack went in. I looked to the others. That were arguing. I whistled "hey.... Coming?" I said as I went through myself.

There was an even bigger bang from the room I was just in. The rest of the group ran in and blocked the doors. I chuckled. "Great, were in an even smaller room" Paris whined. "Would you rather be out there? Then by all means go" I said looking at him. He looked at me fearfully. "Actually, I quite like this place..." He said again.

The group started talking again. Riddick came to me. "So you can shift" he stated not questioned. "Yes. Most alphas can" I said looking at him. "Can you shift?" I said as I went deeper into the dark room. "Yes" was his simple answer. I smelt something. So did Riddick.

We looked up. It was an adolescent bio-raptor. It squats atop the cargo eating a hatchling. It was beautiful. We heard a sound and looked at the corner in front of us. Riddick moved closer to me. Wrapping his arms around my waist. I leaned into him.

We saw one of Imam's son come from the corner. "Don't. Move" Riddick said. The boy looked at him. Then looked up from hearing sounds. He ran from where he came from. The bio-raptor ran after him. It caught him. "Hasan?" Imam said.

"Riddick?" Fry said. We turned and ran to the group. As we turned the last corner, bright lights shine in our eyes. We collapsed and the rapper jumped over us. I heard gunshots and saw that Johns had shot it.

"There..." Fry said. "The light. It's scalding it" Paris said. "It hurts them" Fry said. The group heard sounds of raptors fighting. "Hasan?" Imam said again. "We'll burn a light for him later. MOVE" Johns yelled.

We all moved to another part of the crashed ship. "one cutting torch...one handlight here, two more in the cabin.." Fry said. "Spirits. Anything over 45 proof burns well" Paris said. Me and Riddick stood leaning against a pole. "Why didn't you tell me, you could shift" Riddick Said.

"Oh yeah also" Johns said. "WHAT THE HELL!?! YOU TURNED INTO A CREATURE!!" Johns yelled. "It's a black panther, it's an animal from earth" I said. "how?" Jack said questioning. "I'm Furyan, I'm also an alpha. Just like Riddick." I said as I sat down leaning in the pole. "Look we can ask later. When we are off this planet" Fry said.

"But we may have enough light" Fry said. "Enough light for what?" Johns asked. "We can stick to the plan. If we get four cells back to the skiff, we're off this rock" Fry said. "I hate to kill a beautiful theory with an ugly fact, but that sand-cat won't run at night" Paris said.

"So we carry it, or drag it" I said. The group looked at me. "I don't plan on staying here. If some of you guys are staying, than fine. I'm going with fry to get the cells and leave this place" I said closing my eyes. Hoping to get some sleep.

There was silence. "Wait back it up. How long can this last? Few minutes? Couple hours?" Johns said. I blanked out of the convo. And went to sleep. The animal in me. Ready to wake me up if there is trouble.

20 minutes later

I woke up. Riddick was standing next to me. "No, I'm not. But they can" Fry said. I looked up and saw Fry looking at me and Riddick. Shit.


Yes IM DONE!!!! ONE BOOK LEFT. but I'm think of deleting my FNAF book.... I have no inspiration at all.

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