The end is nigh

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On the run again. ( Chapter 1 )

Welcome back :)
Sinner's POV

It's been years since Me, Imam and Jack separated from Riddick. Riddick wanted me to go with him. I had to take care of Jack. He was angry. Jack was angry. She saw me and Riddick as a mother and father figure.

I didn't want to part way with Riddick. But I wanted to take care of Jack. Jack changed her name to kira (or was it kyra?). She's grown up. But as you know. Teenagers. What could go wrong? But as you know. Many things went wrong.

She started to hate Imam. Then she started to hate me. She wanted to leave and find Riddick. She wanted to go with Mercs. I couldn't let her do that. Imam would kill me. But one night she left. The next morning we could find her. Imam thought it was my fault.

I thought I was my fault. So I left. Just like Kira/kyra did. I didn't look back. I didn't leave the planet though. I stayed and carefully looked after Imams family. Without them noticing.

But something's changed. There was no sound coming from inside the house. It was the dead of night. I was on the neighbours roof in my Panther form. Something's wrong. I looked through the top window of Imams house.

I saw something I shouldn't have. An elemental. She saw me. Then walked towards the window. I backed away into the shadows. Only my eyes were seen. "Imam. Look at that roof" The Elemental said clearly and loud enough for me to hear.

Imam walked to the window. He saw me. I started to back away even more. "She's back" Imam said. Whispering to himself. I heard. "Sinner" he said. Looking at me. I backed away even more. "Sinner" he said louder. "We need you" he said.

I was starting to turn away until he said, "It wasn't your fault." I stopped. "It wasn't your fault Sinner. I'm sorry. Please come back" he said. The elemental just stood by. I looked at her. Take care of Imam and his family. I said to her in my mind.

She looked shocked but nodded. I looked back at Imam. Then turned away and left. That was 2 years ago. I haven't been back to Imams house in that time. But today. I ran back. This planet was being invaded. I needed to help him and his family.

I shifted into my Panther form and ran down the streets looking for his house. But it was blocked. By soldiers. I stopped in front of them. They stopped too. There were 5 of them. And one human thing wearing a helmet of some sort.

I snarled and growled at them. I didn't have time for this. I ran straight through them. But I came across an alleyway and I saw Imam... And Riddick?

Riddicks POV (hell yeah)

I was angry at Imam the moment he said that Sinner had left after Jack left. I needed to find her and Jack. I was protecting Imam from the barrage of soldiers. Then I saw the Panther. It was Sinner. I could tell.

She looked at me and done a cattish smile. Then she left past me and Imam attacking the soldiers that were in front of us. There was a lot of yelling and screaming. There was a loud growl then it was silent. I turned around and saw Sinner.

Sitting in the middle of the dead bodies that were surrounding her. She was licking her paws. "Sinner?" Imam said. I forgot he was here. "Is that you?" He asked. Sinner walked up to him and started to rub against him.

"Thank you Sinner" he whispered. Then he ran away. I looked at Sinner. She looked happy.

Sinners POV

I can't believe he was here. But I haven't got anytime. I needed to get Imam. I ran past Riddick to where Imam was. He had to be ok. Him and his family had to be ok. I ran. I kept running. Following his scent. By the time I found him. But I was too late.

I shifted to my human form. I started crying. Ever since I stayed with Imam and his family I started to get my emotions again. My emotions were always deep inside me. I never let them out. But Imam and Jack changed that.

I lied down beside him and started to cry. I haven't cried in many years.

And that was chapter 1 of the sequel. That was fun. ;) comment below if this was good or not

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