Chapter 3: The compound

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Sorry again. Looks like ill have to change the update date to something else as i have to work the this Sunday again and next Sunday, then i'm on holidays the entire school holidays


It's been a few weeks since we got to this open land. And I must say that we are doing fine. There are many animals that we can hunt and eat, and clean water to last us. And I guess you can say that little pupper has gotten big. I look over and see Riddick looking over a direction, with Pupper next to him. (Yes his name is Pupper.... I have gotten attached.....)

Pupper gave something to Riddick

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Pupper gave something to Riddick. '"Sinner, come over here" He called. I walked over and he showed me what Pupper gave him. "A golf ball?" I asked as he examined it. Pupper then ran to a certain direction. "Stay here" Riddick said as he kept up with Pupper. If he thinks i'm staying here..... than he's right.... I'm so whipped.

I dragged the sled with meat towards a giant rock and placed it underneath. Under the over casting shade. I cut a small piece off with my make shift bone shiv and ate it slowly. I lied down underneath the shade and chewed slowly. I wonder what Pupper and Riddick found....

Riddick's POV

I followed the dog I refuse to call it pupper to whatever direction he was heading to. He led me towards an abandoned compound. "Stay" I said to the dog. The dog stopped and lied on the floor. I walked towards the door and pushed it open. Yep. Abandoned. I slowly made my way around the place, examining everything within.

There were a lot of giant bear traps. They will be useful in future events I thought as i walked towards a table that had books on them. They had pictures of men and the words WANTED on them Bounty Hunters.... This must be one of their compounds. I left the table and found some MRE packets, as well as some nuts.

I took those and made my way back to Sinner. I found her asleep next to the dried meat and sat next to her. The dog came and lied down at our feet. "Sinner wake up" I said as I rubbed her cheek.

Sinner's POV

I woke up to the looming face of Riddick and Pupper panting at my feet. "What did you find" I asked as I yawned. When I sleep. I'm not really asleep. I'm still hyper aware of everything. A trick you learn when you're on the run.

"I found bounty hunter compound. But it's abandoned" He said holding an MRE I can tell what it is as see many of those on ships I steal. He placed it down and opened a pack of vac sealed nuts. "Up" He told Pupper. Pupper rose up in a sitting position. I grabbed a few nuts and placed them on Puppers nose lined up. "Stay" I said chuckling.

Pupper whimpered. His head tilted to the right and one nut fell. "Stay" Riddick said. Pupper whimpered more, trying to stay balanced. I watched eating some nuts myself. "Ok now" Riddick said. Pupper flipped his head to the right and ate them mid air. Riddick opened one of the MRE packs and opened it. Frankly. It looked disgusting. And Riddick thought it too. 

"Mmmmm" He said..... who was he trying to convince? He threw the pack to Pupper."All yours" He said. Pupper sniffed it and sneezed. "It says dog food on the packet" Riddick said. I huffed and tried not to laugh."If you can read it" Riddick said after.  Pupper smelled it again and gave us a deadpan look. Pupper walked towards it and peed on it.

"Alright bring me my reserve" He said to pupper. Pupper walked towards the dried meat. He dragged it over to Riddick. Riddick grabbed his knife then looked at Pupper, "Where's yours" He said smiling. Pupper growled. Riddick laughed and cut a slice for Pupper, throwing it to him. Pupper caught it in the air. "Here's yours" Riddick said handing a slice to me.

"I'm not hungry" I said looking into the distance. Apparently that was the wrong thing to say as he grabbed my wrist and pulled my towards him. My back landed on his body. "Eat" he growled, holding the meat to my lips. I slowly ate the meat and later licked his fingers clean. He silently purred. All of a sudden Pupper started to growl and the sky turned dark. 

We walked towards Pupper and saw that it was raining in the distance. Pupper would not stop growling and whimpering. "Rain it's a good thing" Riddick said as he went to pet Pupper. But stopped as he felt the dog tensed up against his hand. He looked confused. I switched my eyes to night vision and saw those baby demon scorpions. Underneath the rain

Riddick took off his goggles and looked in the distance. He looked at me. "Looks like our time is up" He said as pulled me back to the meat. He placed it on the sled and we walked towards a hidden cave we found a while back. He placed the meat down and told Pupper to stay. 

Riddick gestured me to follow him, he was leading me to the compound. "We need Mercs to pick us up. And judging how we're most wanted, I can almost guarantee two ships. One for them, and one for us.We walked inside and Riddick activated the Emergency Beacon Activator. The machine descended down from the roof and began scanning us. We took a few steps back. It began talking in a female robotic voice


'Emergency Beacon Activated'

'Two people found alive'

'Identified as Richard B Riddick and Sienna Sinner Montrose'

'Both Escaped Convicts, Murderers'

'Bounty Doubled if Riddick is returned dead and Sinner Alive'

It stopped scanning us and the mechanism returned to the roof. "Let's go back. We can't let them find us" Riddick said as we ran back to the cave. Waiting for the Mercs to come.


Ok guys this is the update, sorry for being late. but for now i'm just gonna revise the first and second book seeeeee yaaaaaa

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