I hate him... (Chapter 4 )

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Hey guys sorry about the waiting...


Sinner's POV

We continued talking until we both heard a gun shot, coming from the crash site. "Oh no" I said while looking at Riddick. "We have to go see if what ever caused those gunshots was because of those things." Riddick said looking at the direction of the ship.

We were about to leave until we heard more gunshots, though this time they were clear and not as far away. I heard something else. Someone was screaming. And because of me and Riddicks hearing abilities we heard screeching too.

We saw sped off towards the sounds. Even though me and Riddick already knew what happened. When we got there we looked down and saw blood in the hole and around it. I kept away from the hole because I really didn't want to get snatched.

We continued to look at the hole till we saw the other people run here. We got up to run. While we were running Riddick got hit by Johns and I got hit be Nathan. How the fuck did I forget about him... As I was being lifted by Nathan my sunglasses fell off and there was too much light.

I couldn't see that well but I saw riddick without his glasses. Not only that but I saw him getting kicked by Shazza. "What did you do to Zeke?" Shazza yelled hysterically. "What did you do to him!?" She continued yelling and kicked him again.

I saw him go unconscious just as I did because Nathan kicked me in the head.

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