ARGH! (Chapter 8)

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Hi... Bye.... I might be doing this book and the resident evil book...bye. Actually the first two chapters of resident evil are already out... If you want to read it than just go to my profile... It is called living to fight another night... Bye


Sinner's POV

"I HATE THE SUN" I yelled out to the sky "AND THIS PLANET" I also screamed puffing. Well at least I have my sunglasses. "I think we all hate the sun now" Nathan said also having sunglasses. "Yeah I can't wait to get out of this planet and probably go to a planet that has a beach or something." I said.

"Well sorry to say sinner but remember after this you are going straight to jail" Johns said walking past me.... I want to kill him more than Nathan now...

As I continued walking across the sandy desert I didn't realise riddick was right behind me. "Stop looking at Nathan" riddick said behind me. "Oh and why can't i?" I said as I continued to to look at Nathan... Mostly his butt. Growl I heard behind me woa oh... I think I pissed him off.

____________________________sorry it's short______________________

So yeah sorry it's short... Till next chapter... I promise it's not an authors note...

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