Im not some pet (Chapter 4)

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So. I'm back. Sorry for not updating but... I miss Thailand...... Anyway the votes are in for whether I should move the sequel to another book or you simply want to leave it here. But here are the votes
Yes- 4 votes
No- 4 votes You know what thx guys for making it AN EVEN VOTES sigh...
Don't really care- 1 vote.

Just.... Ok after this chapter releases. Just vote again. Plz so I whether to move the sequel or not. Thx

Sinners POV

A day has past since Riddick escaped. I was thrown into a cell with a guard in front of the cell door. The bars were metal. But I don't know what kind of metal, since it was silver with a tinge of purple.

I was given food. But all I did was bite the person who gave me the food. I kept pacing around in the cell. I started to snarl and growl, making the guard a bit anxious. Good. I was so bored. I had no entertainment.

And the person who gave me the food didn't put the food in the cage by hand. Instead by a long pole. I couldn't bite anyone. I. Was. So. Bored. I didn't even want to change to my human form for fear of they would do.

Sigh. I decided to mind link Riddick.

Riddick.... Where are you... Did you find her?
I did. He replied back. She is all grown up. Not our Jack anymore.
What does that mean? I questioned.

He sent me a mental image of what Jack looked like.

Damn... She looks hot. All grown up.
She doesn't like being called Jack anymore. She says it's Kyra.
Hmm that is a good name. I approve. I need to go. There is a man coming to my cell I said to Riddick before I cut the link.

The marshal walked up to my cell. "Well. How is she?" He asked. "She is not eating my lord. She has also bitten the hand of her feeder" the guard replied. "Of course she would. After all she has a lot of spirit for an animal" The Marshal said pleased.

Kill me now. "Did you find out what species she was?" The lord Marshal asked the man next to him. "Yes. She is from the planet Earth. Her species is... Rare and cunning. You would never see her in sight unless she wanted you too" The man said.

"Hmm" The marshal said. Looking into my cell. I was in the shadows and all you could see are my eyes. I looked directly at him. I pounced at the cell door. Growling and snarling. The man and the guard jumped back while the Marshal smirked.

"So spirited. She is perfect. Sedate her." The Marshal said then walked backwards a few feet away. I kept growling. The man had shot a tranquillising dart at me. That didn't affect me. I kept jumping at the door. He shot at me again.

My movements were a bit slow but I was still jumping at the door clawing at the bars. The man shot me two more times. I had a total of four darts in me. I was now sluggish. I growled pathetically. The drugs now affecting me more.

"Amazing" the Marshal said. They were the last words I heard before everything went black.

Riddicks POV

I stopped. Something was wrong. I couldn't feel her. I couldn't feel Sinner. I could feel my MATE.


my fingers are freezing.... I've still got to update my resident evil book and my fast and furious book.... So cold

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