What about my eyes? ( Chapter 5 ) ?

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Sorry but you have those days where you just don't want to update but IM SO SORRY ITS BEEN WEEKS OH MY GOD IM SORRY. AND ITS THE 24TH?!!??? Well shit... the last time I updated was on the 7th of July... But this time longer chapter I promise

Sinner's POV

Awe my head hurts, I thought to myself. When I see Nathan I will , slit him in the throat, stab him multiple times then castrate him and make him eat it!!!... (Yeah I hate Nathan too...) but where am I?

I looked around and I saw riddick next to me. Staring at me... Not creepy at all... "How's your head" riddick asked. "Other than having a headache fan-fucking-tastic" I said sarcastically...
"😑" that was his face. ( sorry guys I had to do that )

"Riddick" I ask, "yes" "well as an alpha I have some special abilities. Do you?" I said. "Well I have no idea, wait how do you know I'm an alpha" he asked. "I could tell, after all I'm an alpha too" I said listening to the footsteps coming towards us.

"Do you know what I am?" He asked. "Yes" I whispered as the footsteps came louder and fry came in front of us. I just sat there face down to make it look like I was still unconscious. I looked at riddick and saw him do the same.

"Tell me about the sounds" Fry asked riddick. I could hear the impatience in her voice. No answer came form riddick. "Look you told Johns you heard something" fry said. Riddick still stayed silent but I could still hear his even breaths and heartbeat, like always.

"That's fine." Fry said. Though I think it didn't sound like she thought it was done by the sound of her voice. "You don't want to talk to me, that's your choice, but just so you know there's a debate as to wether we should leave you and Sinner to die.

"Now that is bullshit" I said laughing. "I have good hearing and there was no debate" I continued laughing still looking at her. She looks uncomfortable and surpised I was awake. Good. "You mean the whispers?". 'I swear my heart stopped at the sound of his sexy voice.

I heard Fry's heart stopped too and I thought I could smell fear with a bet of interest. "What whispers?" Fry asked carefully. I heard Riddicks low chuckle. Pulling me out of my thoughts and making me to try to pay attention to the conversation.

"The ones telling me to go to the sweet spot", riddick said in an amused voice. I know exactly what he's doing. "Just to the left of the spine", he continued. "Fourth lumber down, the abdominal aorta." I continued for him and laughed.

"It's a metallic taste, human blood. Copperish." He said looking at me amused. I saw his eyes a bit. Then they closed. "If you cut it with peppermint schnapps, it goes away quickly" he said. "Trust me, it does" I said looking straight at Fry.

I could hear her heart beat... It was beautiful. And I could hear her shallow breaths. She was scared. Good. "Do you want to shock me with the truth now?" Fry snapped acting annoyed to cover that fear building inside her.

I looked up and saw jack at the steps. She's cute. She saw me watching her and I winked at her. She smiled.

"What truth?" I said looking back down at fry. "The truth about Zeke of course!" She said incredulously. "Well you won't believe me or Riddick even if we told you, so why did actually come down here for?" I said slowly smiling. "Why don't you think I won't believe you or riddick" she said.

"Because we know it's not what you want to know and believe" I said to her. "Well?!" Fry snapped at us. Wanting an answer yet not wanting one. Riddick shrugged, the chains shaking as he did. "Did I kill a few people?" He said "Sure" "Did Sinner kill a few people?" "Sure" he continued.

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