Well um hi... Dont kill me (Chapter 2)

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Yay second chapter. Also I forgot this

I don't own riddick or any of the characters except for sinner yadayada I do not own this franchise yadayada even though I wish I did yadayada on with the story


Sinners POV

I woke up and I saw that I was out of the tube and was now hand cuffed to a pole. Hmm I wonder how stupid mercs were again. Oh right very stupid. I was too caught up in my thinking that I didn't notice 'him' next to me until he was breathing down on my neck. I froze.

Having no ideas what to do I just stared at him in a 'what the fuck' way even though I know he can't see it. He continued to smell my neck then my hair. I just ignored him trying to escape the hand cuffs. I did my technique an old friend taught me to escape handcuffs.

Breaking my fingers. Now that might sound bad but I've done it a lot of times that it didn't hurt and I've gotten used to it. I broke my fingers and took the hand cuffs off. I was going to leave until if looked at him. Wait a sec I thought is he... No he can't be... Riddick.

I was going to help him until I saw him moving his arms. It kept moving up and I saw him dislocate his shoulders to get his arm around the pole. After he did that he kneeled and got the lighter? (I'm sorry I have no idea what that is called)

He took it and burned of the bit (thank you to Movies_Are-Life2 for telling me what it is. I am eternally grateful). He took off his blindfold and looked at me. He walked towards me and I walked backwards. Till I saw that it got pushed into a wall.

He pressed against me and started smelling my hair. All I know is that I will not bow down. I am an alpha but so is he. What is he gonna do.

Riddick's POV (oh my god what a shocker 😑)

I first smelled her on the ship. She smells like death and mint. I liked her. My beast inside me kept trying to get out. To get out of the tube and go to her. I wanted to as well but I was chained. But now I got her.

"What's your name" I purred while smelling my hair, "My name is Sinner now an you get off" she said and pushed me off. "Hmm" I said walking towards her again and pulling her against me. "It's along time since I smelled beautiful" I purred against her ear.

Sinner's POV

"Well I bet you say that to all the girls" I said while getting my sunglasses out of my pocket. "But I don't think this is a good time to talk, after all we both have mercs that might come looking for us" I said while putting on my sunglasses and walking out. Jesus it's so bright I thought.

I took my cuffs and threw them towards the sun so they think I went towards the sun. I saw riddick doing the same. Then we ran.

Nathan's POV (He's a bastard)

I ran with johns back to the ship to get sinner and riddick. But we stooped and saw the cuffs in the direction of the sun. "They must have gone this way" I said to johns. "No, riddick always throw his cuffs or chains in the other direction. And see the other pair of cuffs I think sinner went with him" johns said.

"Oh no" I said. "Riddick is the worst and Sinner is the worst too. If they team up then they can come and kill us" Johns said. "No I have Sinners bag with her stuff in it. And I bet you have some of Riddicks stuff too" I said to John.

"Riddick can make a shiv out of anything. And if I know Sinner enough then she can also make shivs and seduce men." Johns said. "Well then what do we do" I asked Johns. "Well we need too find them" He said


Yay chapter 2. I am liking my book a lot. Well thanks for reading and as promised. A chapter every two days. So I will update on Tuesday or Wednesday sorry I can't count.

But to the people that read my book. I put on random song inputs. But this time I am adding the song next to the chapter on the Wattpad website. So if you want to hear it then you need to be on the website. But I will still write the lyrics here.

But I need you people to comment what songs you want me to upload with the book. So today. No lyrics or song. So comment what song and peace out.


(=':' ) is giving you a 🍪


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