The fun starts now (Chapter 13)

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You know what day it is? IT IS SUNDAY (Australia, sydney) UPDATE TIME
also...... Also her animal form at the top.

3rd person POV
"Let's board this up and get the hell gone. They seem to stick to the dark, so if we stick to daylight, should be all-" Johns said. "60 years..." Fry whispered. "Wait what" Nathan said looking confused. "Core-samples are dated. Last one is 60 years ago. This month." Fry said looking at the machine.

Sinner's POV..... (Unless I want to do Riddick's)

As Johns and Fry and Nathan went into a room, me and Riddick stood by the end of the water machine. I looked beside me and saw Riddick had left. Oh well. It wasn't till later that he came back.

"Hey Riddick?" I said as I kept looking at the sky. "Yes" he said as he came to stand next to me. "What happens if we can't make it out alive. If we get stuck on this planet with these things?" I said. The fact

"Why would you say that?" Riddick said. I pointed to the sky. "Isn't it pretty" I said as Riddick looked up. "Shit, we gotta move" Riddick said as he drug me to the solar cat. Everyone ran to it and got on. Except for me and Johns.

"Get on" Riddick said as Shazza started the sand Cat. "I got my own transport" I said as I started to shift into my animal form. After I finished turning into my animal form, I shook my head and looked at the people on the Sand Cat.

"What... are you?" Paris said shocked. "Who cares, just go" Fry yelled. Shazza started to drive the Sand Cat and I ran along with it. I didn't see Riddick. Hmm he must be here somewhere. As the planet started to darken even more, I saw more clearly. I also saw Riddick go on the Sand cat.

He scared Paris. He looked at me and cocked his head to the side. I growled as I ran a head of the sand cat and to the ship we crashed in. I looked up and saw stars and the planet covering us from the sun. I didn't realise I slowed down until Jack yelled at me.

"Sinner!!! Hurry up". I snapped out of my trance and ran quicker to the ships. We reached the ships and Johns went to get the extra power cells. Riddick went and lugged one over his shoulders. Flexing his muscles at the same time. I think I drooled. Jack came to me and drug me to the inside of the ship.

" Just a suggestion, but I THINK WE SHOULD FLEE" Paris yelled from inside of the ship. Me and Riddick looked T the bio raptors coming out of their nests. 'Amazing' I thought in my mind. Riddick and Shazza, still coming. Hearing the Squealing wave descending on them...

Riddick and Shazza hit to the dirt. The Hatchlings fly just inches overhead. I saw Shazza. She was terrified. I saw Shazza whip a panicky look at the ships. I wrapped my teeth against Jacks shirt. Knowing she was going to try to go to her.

I drug her away from the scene and deeper into the ship where we saw Imam and his two sons. We heard a scream. A female scream that sounded like it was in pain. Jack started crying. I flattened my ears. I didn't want to hear her like this. I drug her to where Imam was.

I am understood my silent plea as he went to comfort Jack. I ran back to the entrance of the ship and saw Riddick alive and well. 'As if hatchlings and bioraptors could kill him' I thought as he walked to towards me and Fry. The two left at the entrance of the ship.

"What is it? What do you see Riddick, Sinner" as Fry looked at me and Riddick. "Like I said, ain't me you gotta worry about" Riddick said as he petted me and rubbed my head. Why does that feel good. I rubbed me head into his hand.

As Fry went inside, we stayed out to see the darkness overwhelm the light. Then everything went black. Well except for me and Riddick that is. We can see certain things. Riddick looked at me and we both went inside, to the 'safety' of the ship.

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