Chapter 5 In the dark of the night

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Evil will find her
In the dark of the night, just before dawn...

Revenge will be sweet

When the curse is complete

In the dark of the night

She'll be gone

Hello, beautiful people, I am sorry I have not updated this book in a while. I will be honest. I forgot about this book XD and for some reason, my phone wasn't getting notifications from wattpad so I forgot about wattpad. I am very sorry and if it wasn't for  Queen_Bri1288 for messaging me and asking about this book, I probably would not have even remembered this book.

You may also notice my writing style has changed for better or for worse who even knows. This may be because of the copious amounts of fanfiction i have been reading *cough*


Inside the Station (3rd Person POV)

Boss Johns begins reading off a list "Predator restraint with 42- inch offset Jaws?" Dahl looks over and looks to be thinking, "six listed, zero found" Boss looks at her, "Odd thing to walk off" Dahl just shrugs "Yeah, but, Boss, you know how shit goes missing from these stations. One bad year and guys are ripping shit off for salvage"  Boss picks up his radio and toggles it on.

Outside the station

Satana's radio comes to life and Boss's voice comes through, "Hey, Santana? You did sweep the area before I got here, right?" Satana continues to scan the area and replies "Sweep for what?" Rubio continues to walk around until his foot hits something which sounds off a metallic ting. Satana stares at Rubio "Traps? what kind of traps?" Boss's voice continues to come from the radio- "The kind with jaws"

Rubio starts to bend down and starts to uncover the metal object. Satana's eyes widen "DON'T TOUCH THAT FUCKING THI-" But it was too late as Rubio continues and picks up the item. It turned out to be a metal dinner plate. "What?" Rubio said non-chalontly. He tucks it in his vest as an extra set of armour. "Up armour" he continues to say, before he steps backwards and a steel jaw trap snaps onto his leg. He falls screaming in pain.

Satana yells into the radio "Light here! get some light here!" Spot lights are summoned and it shows a grim scene. Rubio is still screaming and his leg looks nearly to be severed. He is still screaming and crying out in pain.

In the distance covered by the darkness of the light, Riddick merely smirks at the scene. He wishes sinner was here beside him to watch but sadly he only had pupper beside him. panting away cocking his head to the side. Unfazed by the screams. "Good pupper" Riddick whispers. Pupper almost looks like he is smiling.

Back to the scene of the screams, Satana desperately tries to get Rubio to stay still "no no no stay st-" He wasnt able to finish his sentence as a another steel jaw trap swallows Rubio's head, and like a guillotine, silences his howls of pain.

Satana stares on and slowly starts to move backwards. He radios Nunez. "Nunez, break out the sweep gear. And figure out how many of these big-ass trap we got out here, okay? You got to do that now, okay, Nunez?" There was silence. "Copy that?" Satana asks again. Meanwhile the other members of Satanas crew around the station begins to panic.

A series of shots and faint screams can be heard away from the split up members. There is still silence on the radio. "This is bad, this is very bad" Luna whimpers. Satana orders someone to find Nunez. "Stand by, stand by" Vargas said as he and Falco slowly try to locate Nunez's position.

"Right here, he should be right he-" He and Falco pause. The lights from the scopes of their guns scan the ground. It was covered in blood. They then touch backs and begin to scope out the area, their fear slowly rising. "So this was overkill, huh? Eleven of us, too many. Yeah. You know all about Riddick, right? Well, maybe you need to take that shit back! Take the jinx off our janx. You understand me?" There was no response.

Vargas suddenly finds the chill on his back. He swiftly turns only to find an assult rifle on the ground, and Falco being dragged away into the darkness by the only man he thinks it can be. Vargas begins to follow after until he realises. WTF was he doing? He stops and starts shooting into the night. "God damn this guy, GOD DAMN THIS FUCKING GUY" He yells as he continues to spray bullets.

In the station, Boss's crew heards the shots of the gun and 2 of his members Moss and Lockspur rush to their armour and weapons. Boss orders " Jock up but stay home. Nobody goes out there 'less I say so"

The sensors surrounding the perimeter slowly get dragged away by Pupper. He crushes the sensors and run back to the cave where his other owner was. He finds riddick at the entrance of the cave, blood was on the floor in the entrance of the cave. Pupper merely sits in front of him and pants smiling.

Riddick pats Puppers head. "Lets get back to Sinner" he says as he begins the walk back. Pupper follows beside him.

Santana is rooted in place. Surrounded by the mine field of Steel traps. His radio blasts with the sounds of his crew.

"Man down, he's got Falco!" "Compromise, compromise!" "How the fuck did he do that?" "Never ever saw him, man" "He was right here and I never..." "What about the ship? Is he on it?" "He's not coming for the ships, he's coming for fucking us!"

"Just fucking shoot! Shoot!"


Quick note, i did not pull the names of the mercs out of my ass, i found the scripts for the movie and i also watched the movie and pulled out their names and pictures off google.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2018 ⏰

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