Im not dying today (chapter 16) ENDING

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...I'm sorry (hides in corner) picture for this chapters update is above.

Also can I just say one thing... CAN PEOPLE STOP VOTING FOR MY STORY?!
I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT THE VOTING THING IS BUT WHEN EVER SOMEONE VOTES FOR MY STORY I GET THE NOTIFICATION FOR IT AND ALSO. it guilt trips me into making another chapter..... Well my rant is over. Sorry for the (very) late update. Hope you enjoy ;)

Last time on resident evil...... Oh wait wrong book whoops

Cough cough

Dramatical music sequence. Last time on Riddick the Fanfiction whose name is so long I didn't want to type out.
I hate him. "So what does it look like now?" Johns said. Me and Riddick looked at each other. And we both said at the same time "Looks clear"
We crosse our own tracks" Imam said. "HE'S RUNNING US AROUND IN FUCKING CIRCLES! LOOK AROUND YOU!!" Johns yelled
Oh and how are you going to do that" Johns said. I looked at him then turned into my Panther form. They all gasped again. I growled at Johns and he backed away.
"Sinner?" Jack said. I shook my head nudging her too go with Fry. She ran to the group. As I looked back in front. There was a raptor directly in front of me. Face to face.
And now

Still Sinner's POV

Oh fuck. I thought as I saw the bioraptor in front of me. It growled at me. You know what?! Fuck this. I growled at the raptor in the most, loudest way ever. (Meaning stay back bitch) It just looked? At me. Then walked away..... The fuck. As it walked away I ran back to the group.

As I ran towards them I saw Riddick talking to them. "Back to the ship huh?" I heard Riddick say. I growled to him signalling that I was there. "SINNER!" Jack said happily as he ran to me. He hugged me and nearly brought me to the ground. Woah I thought then he gave me a string of lights and wrapped them around my neck. I saw that Riddick was still talking to the group.

I lied down on the ground signalling Jack to hop on. As she did that. I turned away from the group and towards the canyon. The people left in the group saw me walking away with Jack on my back. "HEY SINNER WHAT THE HE-" Fry started to say till I looked behind and stared at her. Then I growled at her and ignored.

I heard footsteps behind and saw it was Riddick pulling the sled with the cells. "If you want to go back to the ship fine. Me, Sinner and Jack will leave this planet" Riddick said . Then we continued to walk. It wasn't long till we heard the rest of the groups footsteps behind us. "Sinner.... I'm scared" Jack said.

I just rubbed my head against hers. Ironic isn't it. Fearless Assassin that everyone is scared of, is falling for murderer and is getting soft because of a child. Pathetic. But I guess I changed for the best.

(Time skip to the canyon... Because that's what they did in the movie...)

As we started to walk faster through the canyon we felt liquid falling from the sky. "Don't look up" Riddick growled. Fry looked up. Idiot. Riddick had to push fry to continue since she was distracted by the killing. But not long after it started to rain for real. "Where's your God now?" Riddick said to Imam smiling.

But not long after a large rib bone fell on One of Imams kids. "Keep going Sinner, don't look back" Riddick said in my mind. But.... "GO" He yelled out loud. I kept running and running. "Sinner? Sinner go back. SINNER" Jack kept yelling. I'm sorry, I can't let you die I thought as we finally reached the ship. Jack was crying. She got me. She wanted to go back. I didn't let her. I pulled her into the safety of the ship.

I curled around her, giving her body heat. It was awhile till she fell asleep. I kept looking up. Waiting for Riddick. It was a while till I saw him. I went up to him and curled around him and started purring. Oh god what was I doing I thought as I then abruptly stopped. Riddick just chuckled. I hissed at him. I went back to Jack and curled around her again.

"Go to sleep Sinner. We will be leaving soon" He said. I slowly went to sleep. I was going soft.

By the time I woke up, I saw that Imam, Jack and Riddick were the only ones on the ship. I shifted into my human form. "So this is it" I said looking at Imam and Jack. Imam was just praying and Jack .... Was still sleeping. I walked up to the Riddick and sat in the seat next to his.

"It's over" I said softly. I leaned onto him. "It's over" he whispered as he kissed me. I smiled. We were ok.

Look so you know there is an animated cartoon for Riddick that is next which is called Dark fury, then It was The chronicles of Riddick.

So here is the important question. DO YOU WANT A SEQUEL? There is a list of what you want me to do. Then vote on it. I will give you guys 2-3 weeks to vote.
Ok the options are

1. No sequel just stop at this book
2. Write Dark fury (the animated one)
3. Skip Dark fury and just go with The chronicles of Riddick
4. Write the sequels in this same book
5. Write sequels in different boos
6. Refer back to number 1 and I'll just do my Resident evil one
7. Write the new book I had in mind. Which are two things.
One is a five nights at Freddy's. Where a woman is a repair woman. Who fixes everyone up. She will be in Five nights at freddy's 1, 2 and 3 if you guys wanted sequels.
The other is called the teleportation wrist watch. Which is basically you give me movies and the OC character I have gets teleported to each movie or book you recommend me to do.

Choose one out of the two options above.

So cast your votes. Since I am in Australia sydney I am giving you until the 30th of March to vote. You can only vote once for each one. So you can vote for all if you want but only once.

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