The Chaos that ensured (Final Chapter)

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HA HA HA  *Starts to cry* please play the song


Kyra's POV (shock and awe)

"Sinner? SINNER?!" I yelled as i saw her slump onto her knees on the ground. I didn't pay attention to the fight any more. Only to Sinner. My mother. I ran to her side just in time before she collapsed onto me. "Sinner?" I whispered. She looked at me and smiled. "My..... how you've grown" She said touching my cheek. Staining it with blood. 

She started to breathe haggardly. "I'm sorry" she said. "I'm so sorry. For not helping you. For not coming after you.... and for hurting Riddick" she said breathing heavily. "It's not your fault. It wasn't you" I said as i saw the collar on her neck. I managed to rip it apart with my bear hands. "I wasn't able to save Imam" I heard her say as she looked towards the fight.

"I can't do anything, can i?" She whispered. With a loud cry from Riddick, he stuck a knife into the Marshal's Head and ripped off the handle. He breathed heavily. He looked over to where Sinner and I were and ran over. I moved away. But still held onto Sinner's now cold hands.

3rd Person POV 

All looked on as everyone from the crowed saw the future Marshal clinging onto his mate. "Sinner?" Riddick whispered he killed her head. "Mate" Riddick said. "Mate" Sinner replied. Only Kyra and Riddick could see the tears that travelled down Sinner's face. "Are you with me Sinner?" Riddick asked. "I am always with you. My mate. My Love. My Soul" Sinner replied lifting her hands to cup Riddick's face.. "Then stay with me" Riddick demanded. "STAY WITH ME!" His voice ringing out through the throne room.

"Stay with me..... Sinner" Riddick said as Sinner breathed her final breath and closed her eyes. Hands becoming limp. The sound of silence. Overwhelming the entire room. Only Kyra's soft sobbing can be heard echoing throughout.

1 week later.

On the giant ship. Inside a lone room filled with two people. One alive. One dead. Both Dressed in black. The One alive starts to walk out the room but not before a "I love you" was spoken. But what he didn't expect was a reply coming from the  dead person's voice. "I love you too. Riddick, My Mate" And with that reply, Eyes shot open and smirk graced her lips


This was really emotional and i fell this was written with more emotion. I bet if i read this in a nother book, i would be in tears. But hope you guys enjoyed this :) there will be a chapter on what you guys would like next but that is later. But. Adios. My fellow audience. I bid you all adieu. *Bows*

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