Im yours? Well then you're mine (Chapter 3)

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Yay chapter 3 now on with the story


(=':' ) bunny gives you cookie 🍪



Sinner's POV

We kept running away from the ship into who knows where. We were on hill and I could tell those weren't trees. They were bones. "Riddick" I asked "Can you hear those things beneath us?" I continued. "Yes, I think it would be a good idea not to mess with them." He said, "I agree" I said.

"What ever those things were they killed everything on this planet" I said while walking down the hill next to the giant bones. I was suddenly pulled into the skeleton head with Riddicks hand on my mouth. I didn't struggle because I heard the others out there too.

He let's go of my mouth and we walk silently in the skeleton with no noise whatsoever. I saw johns hand a bottle of scotch to fry. Hmm what is he playing at I thought. I continued to listen to them ignoring riddick who is pressed against me. Smelling my hair again.

"Probably makes it worse. Dehydrates you even more" fry said while taking a swig. "You know, I woulda played road dog for these guys. You could've stayed back. Probably should've because, you know, if we don't find water...we may not make it back." Johns said looking at her.

"No, no, I wanted to get away." Fry said looking down. "So I noticed, never seen a captain so eager to leave her ship" johns said. And I was officially bored. I groaned silently and leaned back into riddick smelling his scent. Hmm he smells a lot like death... I like that.

While I was leaning into him I saw Nathan. Son of a bitch he survived. Damn. At least I can kill him myself. I already knew fry was going to kill us all to save herself and the male pilot. I felt myself getting flipped around and I saw that I was now pressing us against riddick. Again.

I just looked at him and I was touching his abs. I heard him purr and he grabbed my wrists and pressed me against the bone wall. He bowed his head and was now licking my neck. Even nipping at it. I quietly moaned. I shouldn't be feeling like this.

After a while he looked up and I went and bit his neck. He was now mine. I was lapping at his neck but then felt him bite me. I felt so good. I kept purring. Not wanting to moan. He just chuckled and he kissed me on the lips.

"I think we should stop" I said "after all we don't want to warn the others we're here after all" I said whispering seductivly against his ear. He just growled but then pulled away from me. I saw jack walk by and I pulled her in.

"What are you doing" riddick growled. "Well" I said my hands on jacks mouth, "I had to warn her about the planet. I can't stand kids dying for no reason" I said finally taking my hand off jacks mouth. "Wow you and riddick are so cool" she said. Well that was unexpected.

"Jack I need to tell you something" I said seriously. "Wha-What is it" jack said worryingly. "Well for one I know you're a girl, and two you need a weapon" I said looking at riddick. "How did you know I was a girl! She whispered loudly.

"Well I have strong senses and I could tell you're a girl and even I bet riddick can tell too" I said looking at her. "Well you said I can get a weapon" she said. "Yes but not now. I don't have my weapons yet but I will... Soon." I said. "Well why" jack said looking at me now.

"Well unless you don't want a knife..." "No no I want it just why do you trust me" she said looking at me with her eyes straight at me. "I trust you because I feel like you are my little sister. A I want to protect you like a mother with its cub. I know what's going to happen when it's going to night. You will need to protect her".

"Now you need to go before anyone notice you're missing" I whispered and pushed her out. "Bye riddick, bye Sinner" jack said and walked out. "You couldn't even talk to her once" I said looking at him. "Well I didn't want her to be scared of me" he said leaning into me and smelling my nose.

"Why did you tell her anyway. I thought you wanted to kill all of them" riddick said. "I can't stand kids dying for no reason. I have the need to protect." I said. "Hmm I guess that's your motherly instincts coming out" riddick said smiling at me.


Ok so someone had the idea that riddick could also turn into an animal like Sinner who can turn into a black panther. Now that was a great idea but I need animals suggestions. And it better not be something like a house cat 😑.

Anyway yay I updated. Until Thursday my dear fans. I will update again. But not only that but once the animal is chosen I will change my book cover and add Riddicks animal form into it.

The choosing will end when I have about three animals. I already got one which is the Cougar. So two left.

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