Telling the Truth

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AN: I'm still waiting for Sabaton to release Livgardet's English version.

Time: A few weeks later

"Nine hundred and ninety-eight, nine hundred and ninety-nine.... and that's one thousand." Calypso intoned in a bland voice, making Piper giggle.

Calypso was sitting on the bed which was usually occupied by Percy. She was dressed in a beautiful white dress with gold trimmings, which drew Percy's eyes to her bountiful chest no matter how much he tried to keep them from wandering. Her waist and back were covered with some thin, lacy fabric, revealing her creamy, pale skin. The golden frill that the dress ended in, reached a bit below her knees. She was barefoot- she was always barefoot- and was swinging her legs childishly out of sheer boredom. Done in her regular elegant braid, her luscious caramel hair was thrown over her shoulder, drawing attention to her heavenly face, and almond-shaped amber eyes.

Piper was leaning against a table, absentmindedly playing with a sharp pair of surgical scissors. Her relatively short, spiky brown hair was let down, a single lock braided with a beautiful red and green feather. Wearing just a white t-shirt and shorts with sneakers, she had just returned from her regular run. Sweat rolled down her forehead, her tanned skin flushed pink with exhaustion. Her clothes stuck to her skin, and Percy's eyes trailed down her skin, clearly visible through her almost transparent shirt, to her toned legs. Her hypnotic kaleidoscopic eyes constantly changed colour, though her bored expression never changed.

Percy knew both of their expressions were clearly fabricated acts. He could clearly feel their gazes as they mentally undressed him. He had even caught them in the act a few times, as they ogled him without shame, sporting vibrant pink blushes.

After he had discovered Annabeth's masochistic and voyeuristic desires, quite by accident, he had gained enough confidence to shamelessly flirt with the females at Camp Half-Blood. Although that had not won him any bonus points with the Hunters, instigating the other gender (and sometimes his own) to blush furiously, was one of the few things that functioned as his daily entertainment.

So, yes, contrary to popular belief, he was not hopelessly clueless, and knew what he was doing. Most of the time.

Percy collapsed to the ground, leaning against the wall to catch his breath. It had taken him twenty minutes to do a thousand pushups, something which he had never done before. It had taken him a few weeks to be able to achieve the feat. The first few times when he had tentatively taken one push up after Calypso had deemed him healed enough, hot, pain comparable to burning spikes of molten lava shot through his entire core, putting him out of action for the entire day.

Annabeth visited him frequently throughout his stay at the infirmary under Calypso's care, spending a few hours with him each time. Although Percy would have liked her to stay longer, he understood that she had several jobs to do and had to constantly run errands to Olympus.

The Hunters were practically permanent fixtures in the infirmary, whether they were healing from injuries taken while sparring, or spending time with him. At any point during the day or sometimes night, there were at least two Hunters with him.

Several other girls had visited him during his stay. Reyna was the only one who had not been there the night he had woken up. She had been bone-tired after an entire day of working out.

The other girl was Athena. She never visited him, or talked to anyone else, if what the girls told him, was anything to go by. They told him that she had holed up in the library, and only came out during meals.

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