Genius Gods

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AN: Ok, for those who are impatient for when the sex will start, I will update five chapters this week, and here they are- SPOILER ALERTS!
This chapter- The episode before Percy has a shouting match at Olympus.
Next chapter- The episode after Percy has a shouting match at Olympus.
Chapter 28- The four Dark goddesses join, and the girls get their stuff
Chapter 29- Hestia goes on a date
Chapter 30- Hestia gets pounded

Alright, so.... this chapter starts here.

Time: Next Day

It was awkward.

There was no other way to describe it.

Escaping out of Ogygia right now seemed like a fresh breath of air. All the girls staring at him forlornly, stumbling into someone crying in a corner, the energy level in the house was zero. And it was not the laziness of the summer.

No, this time, it was accompanied by a crippling depression and hurt that was palpable, almost tangible.

And it had barely been twelve hours since his announcement. Almost everyone had bloodshot eyes, dark bags, and dried tear tracks when they arose in the morning, telling Percy that they had been crying the entire night, and had not had a wink of sleep.

What hurt him more was this was him most of the nights, and he was jealous of the girls getting ample sleep, always being lively and awake in the morning, enjoying the day, having rested in the night.

Hadn't he got his revenge?

He felt the strain on his godly power, their turbulent emotions pulling at his very existence. It was almost as if he was constantly living on the edge between life and death.

And, he had completely forgotten that he had to leave Ogygia to get to Olympus, accompanied by Athena, Aphrodite, Hestia and Artemis.

First of all, he knew there would be a volcano on Olympus. Second, the goddesses all sported cold, emotionless looks as they tried to keep their emotions in check. Percy appreciated that they were trying to help him by reigning their sadness and angst, but they involuntarily hurt him whenever he looked at them... it was almost like they no longer cared what he did.

It was a fate, he had to face, Percy reminded himself. He had seen it coming a long time ago. How they had even survived the nine months intact was a mystery. And Hermes was the only outside world contact they had had in that time.

For his own survival, he had to take that decision. All the twenty girls drew on his power constantly, and whatever Calypso tried, the Ancient Laws were unshakeable. Sometimes, Percy felt so tired, he had to crawl on his hands and knees.

And the frequent visits to the infirmary- he was the only one on the island who ever went to the medical bay. On one hand, it was good, all the girls were keeping safe and sound, on the other hand, it was just soooo.... frustrating when he was the only one confined to a bed.

There was an unspoken consensus, a long drawn conclusion, that Zeus had given him the harem knowing that he would take a long time, possibly centuries, to recover, or might fade along the way.

"Why do I need to attend this?" Percy groaned, looking around the vast city.

"Shut up, and stop complaining, Percy/Jackson/Perseus." His four goddesses snapped at him, synchronized.

The day was fine, if a bit hot and listless. The sun beat down with scorching intensity, the azure sky clear, without a hint of clouds or bad weather anywhere. There was no breeze- not a leaf moved on the trees. Percy felt himself sweat profusely- cool beads rolled down his forehead.

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