A Helping Hand

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AN: Alright, whoever thought I was gonna keep it PG or vanilla, can jump ship right now. How you thought that with all the earlier references to BDSM and suicide, only God knows. Hestia gives head, there will be brutal facefucking, and a nice, dripping facial. Percy's horse cock also makes an appearance, because I will never settle for anything else.

Time: A Few Minutes Later

Hestia appeared in a clearing, worried out of her mind. She had barely been able to escape from the shouting match ensuing on among several angsty, teenage, mortal, demigod, semi-immortal, goddesses and a single Titaness, in Ogygia's dining room.

Sydney had been ashamed of her fear, and she had been the target of more than a few rebukes, coming even from her own sisters.

Poor girl.

Hestia had to make sure that Percy would spend some time with her to cheer up the normally lively daughter of Thanatos.

As the light died down, she was jarred out of her thoughts by the sheer beauty of the scene before her, gasping in wonder and admiration. She turned around to look everywhere, her warm brown eyes childlike, wide with wonder, the roll of garlic bread on a plate clutched tightly and carefully in her hands.

She had been unable to save the soup, which had been kicked over in the argument, but at least Percy could have something until she could make him another meal. Or perhaps she could summon food using her godly power, however much she hated it.

The sky seemed to be drenched with blood, the dawn approaching rapidly. A few birds circled the sky, black specks against the bright red and orange of the sky, gliding between the few wisps of white clouds in the mostly clear sky. The leaves of the trees that surround the clearing were tinted red, the sunlight filtering through the canopy. The air was fresh and invigorating, so much like Ogygia, that Hestia felt awed at the fact that such a place even existed in the mortal world. The leaves of the conifers rustled in the soft breeze, swaying the tall treetops slightly.

Soft herbs felt soft as she crushed them under her equally soft feet, feeling slightly sad for marring the beauty of this otherworldly place, the gravel and dirt that lined the soil, tougher, crunching under her slippers. Hestia blew her brunette hair out of her face, taking pleasure in the breeze buffeting her, ruffling her clothes, somehow different from the perpetual sea breeze at Ogygia.

She made her way through two call pine trees, the fallen pine needles soft and wet with dew under her feet. She followed the innate connection she had with her master, trying to locate Percy.

She rested her soft palm against the rough bark of a tree, clutching the plate protectively to her chest. A soft, gentle smile lit up her soft, softly tugging at her lips as she absorbed the sight before her.

A massive lake stretched as far as the eye could see, the azure water clear enough to beautifully reflect the blood-red sky. It was lined with the same coniferous trees, pines, firs and birches, the air slightly cold and misty, telling the hearth goddess that they were to the far north, maybe somewhere in Canada. Gentle, rolling hills rose up behind the lake, their slopes covered with lush green forests. A lone mountain rose high above the rest, it's higher reaches covered with snow, gilded in the rising dawn, the peak disappearing in the clouds.

The open fields around the lake were covered with soft, green grass wet with morning dew, a few flowers dotting the landscape like colourful patches among a vibrant green. The far forests were lost in a grey haze, lost in rolling mists that descended from the mountains. A small stream, as clear as the lake itself, fed the enormous water body, filling the quiet morning air with the beautiful sound of a trickling mountain stream, fresh from the slopes.

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