Stopping his Suicide

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AN: What did you feel upon reading the title?

Time: One week later

Artemis rapped sharply on the wooden frame of the door, fearing what she was going to see.

The noise reverberated through the mostly empty door.

Hestia wrung her hands in worry, her lush brown hair dishevelled as she stared at the closed wooden door. Beside her, Thalia tapped her foot impatiently, looking outside the window with a blank expression on her face.

The three were the only ones sent to collect Percy, as Calypso feared that too large crowds might have frightened him. A deduction which Piper and Atalanta agreed to, though reluctantly.

Artemis was wearing a casual silver t-shirt. Her silver eyes danced with unshed tears, her auburn hair frizzy, and thrown into a hasty ponytail. Her stomach growled with hunger, and there were dark circles around her eyes, caused by sleepless nights as she stayed awake, worrying for Percy. Her shorts ended mid-thigh, showing her creamy pale skin and toned legs. If she had been slim and lithe before, she was even thinner now. The only metals she had had was when the Hunters forced her to eat something.

Her heart broke remembering how Percy had flinched away from her during their last interaction.

He had not emerged from his room yet, and most girls on Ogygia found themselves staring blankly at the wooden door for long periods of time.

The only time he had come out since his shocking revelation was at the dead of midnight, when no one had seen not heard him go out. The only proof he had come out during the night was the fact that the bar in the dining room was almost entirely empty the next day.

Most of them had suffered.

Athena had not backed down from her position yet, and had become more and more irritable as the days went by, snapping at anyone who visited her self-imposed imprisonment in the library. Now, they had adopted a policy of leaving her alone, and she was not bothered in the slightest by the fact that everyone else was ignoring her.

Hestia was not faring any better than Artemis. The normally cheerful hearth goddess' lips were perpetually in a frown, despite her best efforts to erect a false smile for them. Her beautiful had taken a hit, her sun-kissed skin paling a tad bit, something which should not have occurred at all. Her eighteen-year-old curvy body, which could have given Aphrodite a run for her money, had thinned slightly. Her warm brown eyes had dulled, it was clear to anybody that she was not taking care of herself.

With Hestia's hope almost dead, the rest of the island was thrown into despair.

The meals did not have the flavour they usually had. The numerous rooms, usually bustling with activity, were very silent. Whenever any two girls met in the corridors, they tried their best to ignore the other, and go on their merry way. The tension in the air was so palpable, it could be cut with Artemis' now dull hunting knife.

The gym and dojo were silent, despite Reyna and a few of the Hunters engaging in strenuous physical activity am day to drain their worries. They were no laughs, no taunts shout out loud.

Percy's weapons, Anaklusmos and the Imperial Gold battleaxe which he had yet to name, had become the only visible sign that he even existed, apart from the perennially closed door to the master bedroom.

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