Balls and Beauty: Part 1

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AN: I'm back! Woohoo!

For those who are wondering where I went, I was working on my new fanfic, A Darker Shade of Magic. It is a Harry Potter fanfiction, so go check it out!

Time: A Few Days Later

Percy stood before the full body mirror, trying not to fidget as Hestia adjusted his mess of a tie, managing to somehow make it look presentable.

Satisfied with the outcome, she stood on her tiptoes, gently kissing his lips as she patted him down, before stepping back to take a look for herself, a small smile brightening her features.

"You look like an absolute lady killer, Percy." She muttered softly, unable to help the soft gold dusting her cheeks as she let her warm brown eyes roam his body shamelessly, chewing on her soft lips in muted lust as she looked up to meet his gaze. "Try not to find your way into someone else's bed, alright? And try to keep the drinking to a minimum."

Percy smiled abashedly, unable to meet her gaze.

Hestia smiled softly, closing the distance between them to hug him gently. "I know this is the third anniversary of Annabeth's death, but this is also the day Olympus freed itself from the clutches of the Triumvirate, who also killed Artemis' Hunters and many Romans."

She leaned up, again kissing him gently. "I know you don't want to celebrate today, but just, don't make a scene, alright? We will be there, just in and out. Your presence is needed, everyone looks up to you as a leader. Don't disappoint them."

She gave him a little pep talk to get his spirits up, stealing a few soft kisses from him in the process. A soft orange glow covered her body as she called on her power, lending Percy a little hope and happiness on this gloomy day.

The Dark god winced in slight pain at feeling her power flow into him, which went completely against his nature and domains as a god, but appreciated her concern nonetheless.

"Thank you, Hestia. I love you." He repeated, looking down at the smiling goddess.

"I love you, too, Percy." She whispered, before pulling away from the hug. "I'll leave you now and go to prepare for the ball, alright? Don't do anything rash."

Percy nodded, smiling slightly as she disappeared through the door of the master bedroom.

Sighing as the smile dropped, he looked back at the mirror, tugging slightly at the collar of the suit he was wearing. It was too suffocating, too formal. He didn't want to attend the fucking ball, but had to.

It wasn't anyone's fault but his. He wanted to mop around and cry all day. It had been three fucking years, literally everyone but he had gotten over the losses of the war. Even Piper and Artemis were smiling and having fun.

He had fun as well, he loved the girls with all his heart, but he couldn't help shake the feeling of loss that continued to clutch his heart in a cold grip, leeching off him like a parasite that sucked at his positive emotions, and only left him with regret. It was a constant battle between the warmth of feeling loved and his innate coldness that waged war in his heart, and left him feeling confused, which led his actions and words to contradict himself at every step.

Gulping and mentally chanting a little death metal mantra to make himself feel more like a man, Percy stood up, flaring his nostrils and tensing his jaw as he looked at the mirror, refusing to cry, refusing to give in to the emotions raging like a tempest in his heart.

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