Daughter's Day

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AN: Sorry for the late update, horndogs. I had to attend to real life, after months of ignoring it. I got my Master's degree, and I was surfing through jobs the entirety of last week. I have sent out a few applications, let's see if I do get a job or not. If I don't, it's bad for me, good for you. If I do, it's good for me, bad for you, cause, you know, less updates.

Anyway, let's enjoy this while we still can. Happy reading!

Time: That Evening, After Dinner

It had been such a long time since he went to sleep in the Poseidon cabin at Camp Half-Blood, Percy mused with a nostalgic smile on his lips as he meandered his way through all the demigods making their way to their own cabins, all content with a full stomach after a hearty, joyous dinner.

"Goodnight, Jackson!" Somebody called out to him, and he waved back in their general direction, unable to make out exactly who had been the one to call out to him.

"Goodnight, goodnight!" He returned cheerfully, his eyes roaming across the crowds of demigods, their features obscured in the darkness that had fallen across camp in this beautiful, new moon night, barely able to make out their outlines against the warm, orange glow from the cheerfully blazing campfire, set in the middle of the cabins. The chorus of hundreds of feet pitter pattering against the ground, and the low hum of several voices chatting with each other created a nice background music, that made Percy's heart swell with his happy everyone was. The demigods deserved it, and he was proud that he had played such a major role in their happiness.

The warm summer breeze that blew over Long Island, caressed his skin and ruffled his messy hair, making Percy smile as he glanced out behind the cabins, watching the motionless, glossy black surface of the lake, remembering all the great summer days he had spent swimming in it and lounging on its shore.

Nobody could resist the nostalgic feeling of the day, and even Leo was back to his spirits after a few hours of everyone just messing about with nothing better to do, in a grand Olympian get-together that had started as a joint effort to beat his ass, but Percy didn't mind.

Well, he definitely could do without the gauze patched onto his swollen, sore jaw and chin, and all the bandages covering his chest and abs. Every step that he took made him bite his tongue to keep himself from groaning, despite his high pain tolerance, the pain that shot through his feet and the dull, throbbing ache in his abdomen was very annoying and distracting. He leaned heavily on a crutch he held in his left hand, to support his left leg, which he couldn't lay flat on the ground, thanks to a few fractures, and was now held captive in a stiff cast which Asteria had insisted upon. Why they couldn't just give him some of their strongest healing spells to make him fit back in a jiffy, Percy didn't know. Maybe it was because they were worried that his body would grow too reliant on their healing, unable to heal itself on its own?

Who knows? As it was, Percy would be stuck with this for the next few days.

His crutch made a soft, regular thumping sound on the stiff, dry ground as Percy hobbled towards the Poseidon cabin, ignoring his brand new, very own cabin that had been added to the circle of cabins at Camp Half-Blood. He had never really stayed at the Perseus Cabin, and he had completely forgotten to check it out in the chaos of the day, but he figured he could always check it out later, maybe the next morning?

As it was, he really missed the Poseidon cabin.

Percy made a mental note to visit Camp more often, maybe help out Chiron and the older campers with training and workouts. Hmm.... speaking of that, now that Zeus was gone, maybe he could replace Dionysus with himself as Camp Director.... he could do that, but it would really cut into his lazy, sloth-like lifestyle, where he got up at midday, had breakfast and played video games the entire day....

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