Dreamy Days

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AN: A small, fluffy chapter about Will and Nico.

Time: Honestly, whoever pays attention to these anymore?

Nico's eyes fluttered open to the sounds of New York traffic outside his window.

Nothing ever changed in the Big Apple, and maybe he liked it that way. To know that he could wake up every day, go about the same routine, and hug and kiss his boyfriend regardless of the weather or what time of the day it was.

Wake up, do nothing, cuddle and go off to sleep at the end of the day.

Here, Nico was his own master. He could wake up whenever he wanted, he could go to sleep whenever he wanted. There was no one to order him around, no one to maintain a strict sense of routine.

It was what he had been used to all his life.

But now, that independence was devoid of worry or anxiety, for his own life, for Percy's life, for their friends, or regret and crippling depression for his sister's death. There was no worry for his boyfriend's well-being, despite all the dangers that constantly surrounded them, now they were immortal, and they loved each other.

This was, but just the beginning of a beautiful eternity together, full of promise, of content and adventure around the world, all at their own pace. No danger of anything, lazy evenings spent roaming around the city or tattooing strangers, drawing beautiful pictures that spoke a thousand words, in dark ink on skin.

Nico rubbed his eyes, stretching to get rid of the kinks in his body. The blinds were drawn, but the otherwise dark room was illuminated by the gilded sunlight visible through the curtains.

He drew the sheets closer around himself, feeling the slight cold of the morning air sting his pale, flawless skin, reluctant to leave the warmth of the bed.

But eventually, he did leave the bed, however reluctantly, cursing Will for leaving him alone in the cold bed. If there was anything that he disliked about Will, it was that he was a morning lark, the epitome of Apollo's, or, well, Asteria's child, who always got up with the morning sun.

He meandered his way through the small, humble apartment they had on top of their tattoo parlour, enjoying the feeling of the morning, listening to the welcome, wholesome chaos that was omnipresent in their household, a warm, fuzzy blanket wrapped around his shoulders, its bottom trailing along the floor thanks to Nico's short height.

"Come on, Bianca." Nico listened to Will whistling to their beautiful, grey-furred cat, trying to coax her into having breakfast.

Sometimes, it was problematic how attached the cat was to him, to the extent that it even refused food from Will.

Will's efforts were met with an aggressive hiss whenever he got close to her, making the son of Asteria withdraw in fear of bodily harm, the memories of the last time he had done anything that was not to the moody Bianca's liking, fresh in his mind.

He felt arms wrap around him from behind, as the shorter Nico nuzzled his face between his shoulder blades.

Bianca seemed pissed off as she saw Nico, hissing loudly as she jumped off the table, landing nimbly on her feet, silent on the wooden floor, clawing at the blanket Nico had wrapped around himself, a silent rebuke for waking up so late.

Nico laughed at her demand for his attention, leaning down to scoop her up in his arms.

She wasn't having any of it, however, as she meowed loudly, expressing her discontent with the son of Hades and demanding food, pawing at him, threatening him with her claws, which wouldn't remain sheathed for too long.

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