Starry Skies: Part 1

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AN: Shoutout to Acedeath22 for giving me the idea for this chapter. So, Piper and Rachel, as I've already declared, and Percy go camping.

Time: A Few Days Later

The dry leaves that lined the dusty ground crunched beneath Percy's tough combat boots as he followed Piper and Rachel up the trail, wondering from where they got all the energy.

Well, he might have strayed a little bit from his path just for the satisfaction of crunching leaves, but we're not here for that, are we?

Percy sighed, wiping the slight sweat from his forehead as he continued trudging on the path, insensitive to the world around him and with no means of entertainment. He had tuned out the ceaseless chatter of the two friends a long time ago, being left to his own devices, and his own thoughts to entertain him while he headed for their destination.

They were camping, right?


Percy sighed, taking a deep breath as he let himself zoom back into focus, as if it was something that he arbitrarily decided with the flick of an imaginary switch in his brain.

He tried his best not to let his attention be grabbed by the two juicy asses that were swaying in front of him, clad in tight skinny jeans that practically left nothing to the imagination, almost teasing him as bad as a hungry lion having a steak waved just out of his reach, but he resisted the urge to growl, or try anything in the open. He definitely did not think of their lips wrapped around his thick cock, or the way they would moan when he would take them. He did not think of the way their cute asses will look as he spanked them for boring the crap out of him all day, or the way their wide hips would feel beneath his hands.

Nah, it was too hot to even think of doing something like that, and his brain was already in power-saving mode.

He really enjoyed camping, but something had made Piper choose to come to this out-of-place wasteland, quite unlike the usual lush forests and mountains that Percy frequented during his hiking trips. Closing his eyes, he let out a deep breath, before focusing again, to look at his surroundings.

He stood on top of a little dirt mound as if it was the peak of Mount Everest, letting a small smile play across his lips as he breathed deeply, inhaling the fresh natural air that he so dearly missed whenever he went out in the mortal world, so similar to the tropical atmosphere of Ogygia that made him feel comfortable and right at home in the wild. Perhaps it had something to do with Artemis or Calypso's connection with nature, or Grover's love for nature that he grew up with, but he didn't particularly care.

Percy's dark hawk-like eyes scanned the entire world around them, feeling slightly surprised at how much the scenery had changed in the few hours. What had once been a slightly dusty desert track infested with hikers much like themselves and stupid TikTokers and Instagrammers, was now a beautiful deserted desert track with just the right amount of sand to make it beautiful. It was like his very own escape to a peaceful wasteland of his dreams, with the western horizon painted blood red by the setting sun, and the sky turning darker by the moment as night set in, the moon barely above the horizon and a few stars dotting the dark night sky.

A gentle breeze buffeted him, ruffling his clothes and making Percy close his eyes in bliss, listening to the soothing sounds of nature. The gentle caress of the sun on his face and the blistering heat of the day was beginning to subside, being replaced by a slight delicious chill that made goosebumps appear on his skin. A few birds called out in the darkness, random calls that Percy could never hope to distinguish from one another or track in this expanse of nowhere. Trees rustled, their leaves dry and the sound slightly rough, as compared to the smooth, lively sounds of the forest at Ogygia. A tumbleweed rolled out of nowhere, rolling in front of him like he was in one of those old-school cowboy movies.

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