Helping Hestia: Part 1

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AN: Okay, from here, the dating and fucking starts. The hearth goddess, Hestia, has kindly volunteered to be the first. Also, I rewrote Inside the Infirmary, and Learning to Live. Check them out before reading this chapter.

Time: A Few Days Later

"Will you stop worrying for them one single moment?" Percy groaned at the constantly fretting goddess.

It was not even like they were at Ogygia. Right now, they were walking along a wide road, somewhere on the eastern coast. Percy wasn't sure where they were, exactly, and it was not like it affected them in any way. They could just have flashed anywhere they liked.

The only reason they were here was that he had visited the same fair with Annabeth a few years back, their first date in the mortal world. So, it seemed fitting to have his first date in the same place, now that she was gone.

Percy was thankful for the clouded sky, which blocked out the sun, the air slightly cool and the world shadowy. It had a slight grey tinge to it, accompanied by the invigorating smell of fresh earth, it heralded impending rain. It was a welcome break from the constant heat and golden sunshine of his tropical island. A slight breeze blew through his hair, further ruffling his messy black locks. The roads were mostly empty, except for the pedestrians and the occasional car zooming by. The green leaves of the trees rustled, fresh and vibrant, reinvigorated by the promise of rain.

No one knew why he was taking Hestia to this out of place fair, and not one of the big ones in the larger cities. He hadn't told anyone, nor did he plan to tell them anytime soon.

"I know!" Hestia almost shouted in her ear, frantic as she tried to Iris Message them again, but she was restrained by Percy. "It's just.... I don't know..."

Percy wrapped an arm around her shoulders, dragging the much shorter girl to his chest. "They will be fine, Hestia, just relax."

"But-" she made a dissatisfied noise.

He gripped her shoulders, forcing her to look up into his dark sea-green eyes with wide, almost scared brown orbs. "Everything is okay, right?"

She nodded.

"We will be away only for a few hours, right?"

Another nod.

"They have several immortals among them, and all of them are above fifteen, right?"


"So they can take care of themselves?"

"I need to go and check on them!" Hestia clapped her hand over her mouth, afraid she was annoying Percy too much on their first date. This was her nervousness talking.

Percy groaned. "Okay. One more Iris Message, and then, we will have the entire day to ourselves, right?"

She nodded, chewing her lower lip in anxiety and worry.

"Okay, come on, let's go here." The two made their way to a shady alley, and after checking that no one was present, Percy used his powers over moisture as a son of Poseidon to make a slight mist.

"Fleecy, do me a solid, and show me the girls at Ogygia."

The mist shimmered, and Percy hugged Hestia close to his chest, the shorter goddess fitting perfectly into his taller frame, almost as if she was made specifically for him. She snuggled closer to his warmth, enjoying the feeling of his strong arms wrapped around her comfortingly, protectively, and possessively.

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