Twin Trouble: Part 1

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AN: Which twins could I possibly be talking about this time?

Those who are dead set against incest between Percy and the Little Big Three, I advise thee to turn back right this instant. For those who have been pestering me so long for this, rejoice.

Happy reading!

Percy smiled, looking at how beautifully Olympus had been decked out for the evening, his hand absent-mindedly weaving through Blackjack's silky black mane, that so closely resembled his own dark hair.

The Pegasus whinnied playfully, tossing his head and making him chuckle. "No, Blackjack, Lizzie won't mind me messing up your mane style. And no, you don't need to look more goth than you usually do..... or you do right now." Percy eyed his friend up and down with a critical eye, sighing softly as he managed to reason out that whatever happened, Blackjack wouldn't let him take off his new look. "Honestly, who did you manage to convince to let you dress up like this?"

Blackjack neighed, looking more self-important than he was. Well, alright, maybe Blackjack was a celebrity among the Pegasi, what with him being the steed of the Destroyer himself.

"Fine, alright. You look like one of Behemoth's horses. There, alright now?" He let himself chuckle softly as he patted the Celestial Bronze, Behemoth-inspired mask that Blackjack adored ever since he wore it one Halloween when Percy had gone out as Nergal himself.

He shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. He had to admit, he might have liked Blackjack's new look as well, especially since it went well with his godly, dark Crusader armour made out of Stygian Iron. He would look his part of a Dark God atop Blackjack, especially with Anaklusmos at his waist and Doomslayer, in its great, double-handed Viking battleaxe form, strapped across his back. The Imperial Gold would definitely go well with all the black.

Percy stood at Blackjack's neck, just enjoying patting him like old times, like he used to do when they were all waiting in formation, breaths held in anticipation before any battle.

He definitely missed the adrenaline, and the feeling of weaving through enemies on Blackjack's back, like their hearts and minds were one, rider and steed, weaving a tale of destruction and striking fear in the heart of monsters, Titans and Giants as he rode towards them atop one of the world's only black Pegasi like an angel of death.

He didn't miss the loss of his friends, though, and was in no hurry to go back to war. Not when he could continue to just sit there and enjoy Olympus in all its beauty.

All the street lamps were lit, bathing the entire world in light and even sending a dim glow of light to the dark night sky above. Despite the beautiful waning moon that glowed silver in the night sky, the city of Olympus looked like it was lit by Asteria's full might, bright like the middle of a summer day without the stifling heat, and without a speck of darkness in sight.

Today was a day of celebration across Olympus, as was evident from all the nymphs and dryads frolicking about in the streets, singing and dancing beautifully, and making the smile on Percy's lips widen. Minor gods and goddesses were flocking to the throne room in great multitudes, all to partake in the jubilance of the coming-of-age celebration of Olympus' Princesses.

No, Percy's kids weren't eighteen yet, and that might have been because he was yet to have kids.

No, but today, his little twin sisters were turning eighteen, and Neo was as well. Well, Neo because nobody actually knew her real birthday, and so, everybody just assumed that she shared a birthday with Rose and Violet....

Percy sighed, leaning against Blackjack and adjusting Doomslayer on his back so that it didn't hurt his friend. "Feels like old times, right, Blackjack?"

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