Chapter 31

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Drew chuckled evilly as soon as the flour hit his face. 

"you wanna play that way do you?" he smirked as he grabbed the eggs and smashed one on my head. my mouth opened widely. i quickly grabbed the powdered cheese and poured it on his head as another egg was smacked on my head. i giggled as i unscrewed the top of the milk and poured it all over him. 

"oh my god Amber" 

" at least most of the flour is off?" i said as innocently as i could.

he quickly turned to the stove and turned off the heat under the water. He stalked over to me as i hid the last egg behind my back. how we have eggs? i don't know drew probably took them out of the fridge before he cracked it on my head. 

" Moma?" i heard a little voice that i knew was Madison's. she looked around confused at the whole situation.

" Here take this egg and throw it at dada" i whispered to her as i crouched down to her level. she gladly took it and chucked it at Drew. 

" really my two favorite girls are going against me?" he said with a smirk

" and this is where we run" i said to Madison as i picked her up and sprinted out of the kitchen as Drew's thunderous laugh riddled through the house. 

we made it outside as i looked frantically to where we can hide. 

" i have a good place" Madison whispered to me as i lowered her to the ground and put my flour covered hand in her clean one.  She ran me following she arrived at a tree- the tree where i was attacked at. i took in the view of the magnificent tree as Madison started to climb it. i carefully put my hands under her just in case she fell. I followed after and saw a makeshift tree house in the middle of the tree, its not noticeable if your not in the tree. 

" my real daddy made this for me" Madison said i sent her a small sad smiled  and entered the Makeshift tree house. 

" shhh i see dada" she said as she looked through a small window. he was still covered in flour and all sorts of other food but he seemed to be extremely worried. 

"Come guys find them!" he yelled using his alpha voice, this caused Madison to whimper as i soothed her

" Madi it OK come on lets go say hi to Dada" 

at this Drew's head snapped, i knew he heard my voice so i quickly slipped out of the tree house with Madison in my arms. as i lowered myself to the ground Madison buried her head into the crook of my neck as i felt her tears wet my shirt.

she was afraid

afraid of Drew. 

as we shifted out of the tree Drew's eyes met mine he let out a sigh of relief as he came towards me 

" Amber. Never. do. that. again." he said ordering me like a child. I glared at him, turned on my heel and walked into the house. 

i placed Madison down on the bed in her new room. The walls were still white, i couldn't wait to paint them. 

i walked it to Drew's room and hopped into the shower cleaning off all of the food that was left on me and changed into a white short sleeve shirt and jean shorts. i tied my wet hair up in a messy bun and sat on the bed. i grabbed my sketch notebook from my backpack that i havent touched since the night i arrived. I flipped to my previous drawings of a my family, Wolves, wolves attacking my family, books and Laura till i finally made it too a blank page. 

i slowly started to draw what i was thinking of.


i started slowly and i barley got anywhere as i heard footsteps stomp up the stairs. I quickly shut it and slipped it back into my back pack as Drew entered the room- still covered in flour. He barley noticed me as he grabbed a white t-shirt and jeans as he entered the bathroom. 

When he walked out his hair was patted down, not in his signature quiff for once. he plopped himself on the bed next to me letting out a sigh. 

i looked over at him and saw him watching me intensively. i stood up and exited the room, Drew following me right on my tail. When i stood in front of the door i turned around to see if drew was still there. he was. 

" i need to show you something" i said before opening the door. Before i could run out Drew's arms scooped me up. 

" Babe i might be pissed at you right now but you don't have shoes" he smirked and then follows the directions i gave him. 

He arrived at the tree while i started to climb it and he went after me. 

" have you ever seen this before?" i asked him motioning to the Tree house

" no...Never" 

"Madison's father made it for her" 

" he was an amazing carpenter" 

we stood there looking in awe at the tree house

" come on Amber lets go, this is Madison's" he said in a weak voice as he jumped to the ground. i gave it one last look before turning away, but me being me i tripped on a piece of wood and fell out of the tree.

 i braced myself for the hard ground to smack me but it never came. i was engulfed by two arms that caught my fall. i opened my eyes to see Drew staring at me. 

" you caught me" i said breathlessly as my hand crept around his shoulder and my other hand went up to my mouth.

" ill always catch you" he replied taking the hair band out of my hair to let it flow freely. 

" i like your hair down better" he said while he kissed my cheek. i giggled,

" and i love yours like that" i finally said before i kissed him under the tree. 

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