Untitled Part 11

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        I woke up with a dip in the bed and the covers being pulled over, i quickly rolled over and was met with Drew.

" night princess"  he mumbled lazily and started to put his hand around my waist, the pain and memories came back as his hands grazed over my shirt. 

i probably should explain this before i completly lose you all, when i was stuck in that vent for months and months there was a few times were they would throw tantrums, by throwing knifes up at the ceiling. and lettme tell you being 10 and having knifes thrown up at the vent and poking your sides and stomach is when you think that your life is completly over. 

it gave me scars all over my waist and stomach. But i was never stabbed, it was more of that the vent was so thick that only the top part of the knife poked through so many scratches and cuts were aquired

quickly i jumped out of the bed, taken back at what happened. he quickly looked up and around until his eyes met mine.

i started to calm down even though i was completly shaken up at what happened

" couch" i said slowly keeping eye contact 



I was finally finished with all the pack business that i had to take care of, my Dad is handing me the title of alpha next week. Since ive found my mate and since the hunter hasn't attacked in many many years my dad belives that their dead. once i finished i brought up safari and put in the search bar

"Amber Woods" 

and clicked on the first link 

" Marie and Daniel Woods brutally murdered in their own back yard, the family of 4 was attacked out of no where, the young boy 12 year old Danny Woods's body was found lying on the side walk unconcious and had a huge gash on his right leg. But the youngest Amber Woods 9 years old at the time was never found."

i took a deep breath and ran my hand through my hair 

" oh my god" 


( Still Drews Pov)

i started to walk upstairs to my room as i saw Amber still fast asleep. i sat in the bed as i took the covers and started to put my hand around her waist.

" good night princess" i mumbled as my eyes started to close 

she quickly jumped up and out of the bed beofore i could pull her close to me i scanned the room until i saw her standing near my closet. 

once our eyes met she started to calm down 

oh no not the couch, i swear i will not sleep on that- " couch" she said her blue eyes piercing through me. 

" Are you ok?" i asked as she watched me with every movement. Her black hair was placed perfectly around her face. I slowly walked up to her  and realizing that she was still wearing my shirt. "here" i said grabbing a pair of my sweatpants and a sweater.

" put these on" 

She quickly slipped on my sweatpants and my hoodie, and looked at me with curious eyes. i looked down and realized i was still in my boxers. i quickly slipped on some sweats and a black tee shirt.

" i wanna show you something" i said holding my hand out for her to take.

she took it and i started to go down the stairs, i slipped on some shoes as Amber did as well and we exited the house.



10 minuets after we left Drew brought us to a clearing it was lit by the moon and there seemed to be flowers everywhere.

" wow" i whispered 

" i know its as beautiful as you" drew said i looked at him as i felt a blush creep onto my cheeks 

" cheesy?" i asked  trying to hold back a smile that was tugging at my lips

" only for you" he replied with a smirk 

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