Chapter 6

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I started to squirm in his firm grasp as he chuckled. I sent him the death glare each time, which only made him smirk.

" the more you move the tighter i hold you" he said trying to stop chuckling and was failing miserably. I started to get an idea...

I decided to stop squirming and lay there in his arms. I know its odd but i felt safe, with all the sparks calming me that radiated off of his body. i felt safe with my kidnapper.

that goes against anything I've heard about kidnappers. As soon as i felt his grip loosen i took this time to swing my foot up and hit him square in the nose causing him to drop me.

i mentally thanked my dad up in heaven for forcing me to take karate.

I started to run, as fast as i could then i met with another guy let me correct that, like 20 random dudes All of a sudden they all bowed their heads. confusion filled my face as i heard leaves crunching. I turned around and saw my kidnapper.

And oh boy he looked pissed

his nose was completely ruined and he stalked all the way over to me. I started to back up until my back hit a tree.

i was shaking tremendously. i don't think I've ever generated more sweat than that moment and i was only standing.

i saw him take out his cloth, which i knew had chloroform. i rolled my eyes at this guy. he came to me and put it right on my face.

i held my breath again. i stared at him and challenged him to actually try to make me breathe. I glared at him as he came closer pushing my stomach making me breathe and i was enveloped in darkness... again.


i stood their dumbfounded as she managed to kick me. How was that even possible?

i snapped back to reality once i realized that she was running away. luckily she was headed towards my pack territory.

I kept walking until i saw her, some of my pack bowed their heads as i came into view. She cocked her head to the side.

i walked closer and she froze and tensed up. She turned around slowly and realized that i was there.

and i was pissed.

i had blood on my nose and dripping from it. both of her hands went straight too her mouth as i stalked towards her. she bumped her back into a tree while i got my cloth out.

she cocked up one eyebrow as she looked at me daring me to try. i put the cloth on her mouth as she didn't breathe.

I took steps toward her to make her breathe, when she did she collapsed into my arms.


when i woke up i was in a bed, except i didn't recognize any of it. the room was clean, there was a computer on a desk with a notepad. I saw a window and checked to see if it was open.

" i sealed them all shut" a voice said behind me i turned and was faced with my kidnapper who gave me an amused smirk at my efforts.

" by the way I'm drew" he said walking up to me and putting his hand out to me.

doesn't he realize that he kidnapped me like 20 minuets ago?

i didn't shake his hand nor did i say anything. i looked at it, turned around and continued to look out the window.

" hasn't your mother taught you manners?" he mumbled my head snapped around as i glared at him my mother was killed by werewolves. i wanted to yell at him, i even wanted to slap him across the face.

" so whats your name?" he asked

no reply

" not much of a talker are you?"

no reply

" i guess that's a yes"

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