Chapter 39

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Once i was outside the ill-tempered wind whipped around me, as loose strands of hair floated around me. I could hear Drew yelling through the door. I stepped down the steps and started walking over to the prison. It took me a while to find it but when i did their were 2 guards in front of it, blocking my path.

" Sorry Luna we can't let you in Alphas orders" One of them said

" Well do you really want to defy the Luna's orders?" i asked carelessly while examining my nails. They looked at each other and hesitantly stepped away and giving me access. I smiled and stepped through.


The prison was one word.


Maybe i could make it two words...

Really Creepy

There was a faint sound of water dripping and small patting of footprints of rats that were in search for food.

" Amber"

a voice said causing me to turn around

"Zach... you liking your new home?"

He smirked " Its not as bad as it seems to be Amber" he said i looked up and noticed there was a leak in the pipe.

" That was you... you put the acid in the pipe" i said as realization hit me.

" i have no idea what your talking about" he said as he went back and sat on his makeshift bed. I watched him as he glared at me.

" where you working with the rouges?" i asked him nervously for the answer. for that his head snapped up.

"No Amber i never would do that" he said seriously. " i just... power got to my head and i wanted to take what was rightfully mine"

" before Drew's dad was Alpha my Dad was. He died in an attack and since i was only one i couldn't be Alpha so Drew's dad was. And now Drew is when i should be" he growled

" i think your just power hungry" i replied putting my hands on my hips. He looked at me as if i was crazy. "Anyway" i replied " I'm not going to just let you kill Drew" He came to the bars and grabbed my shirt smashing me against the bars.

"Listen hear Amber i will get the position and you wil-" i was jerked back and cradled into someones arms. I looked up and Ben was staring down at me with wide eyes. i looked over to Zach and he was being beaten up by Drew.

" Leave my mate out of this cousin." Drew growled " You lost your right to proclaim yourself Alpha when my father passed down the title to me"

Zach snarled at him as Drew continued to glare at him. i hugged on to Ben tightly wrapping my hand around his wrist, afraid of what was going to happen next.

Drew growled and got out of the cell locking the door after. He took my hand and strode out. Once we got out of the prison he hugged me. I gladly returned it as i buried my face in his shoulder inhaling his sent.

"Amber never do that again" He said to me with urgency

" i promise" i replied before he picked me up and twirled me around.

" Drew!!" i giggled as he continued to chuckle and spin me in circles

" I love you" he said before putting me down and kissing the top of my head.

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