chapter 8

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" where is she, where is she" my kiddnapper or drew kept repeating like a matra. It was actually starting to annoy me, it was amusing to hear him freak out but now it was just annoying he was repeating the SAME EXACT THING.

All of a sudden a bang hit on the wall causing vibrations throughout it.

" I smell her here, i don't get where she is" my kidnapper said

he smells me? what the fuck does that mean? i showered before i went to school plus i wasn't expecting to be freaking kidnapped.

Soon after i heard him trying to break down the wall. break it down....

dust started to come out of the ceiling as he continued pounding on the walls. quickly i grabbed my book and started looking frantically for another escape. i moved the closet and saw a flap, it kinda looked like those things dogs use to enter houses.

i dove into the shaft and ended up in a room... to be more specific drews room.

I never noticed how big his room was, it had a huge king size bed with a huge bathroom i despertly needed to shower so i quickly grabbed one of his long shirts and hopped into the shower.

as much as i disliked using his shirts i had too cause well mine? they were covered in cobwebs.

after i was done i slipped the shirt on and sat on the bed.

" i dont get how i lost her" i heard someone saying as there footsteps came closer. Slowly put one foot on the ground and i lay down on the soft carpet. Why? Because I didn't want him to find out about my hiding place i heard the door snap open as i saw the door fly by. I quickly shut my eyes.

" Where the fu-"

"Shes been he-"

"How is that..."

" Hey princess wake up."

i could practically hear his smirk in his voice
I kept my eyes closed

"I know your not sleeping"

I still didnt open my eyes

" Fine i guess ill have to kiss you. "

With that my eyes flung open as his face approached mine, for some odd reason i wanted to kiss those perfect lips and that jawline he has... 

oh my god. hes my kidnapper this is not normal. I quickly scurried back until my back hit the wall and i brought my knees up to my chest and put my head on them

" breathe amber breathe" i kept repeating to myself 

"AMBER! are you ok?" 

i could already feel my eyes change color, they're usually ocean blue but since i have 'special abilities' as i like to call them they change to a yellow. 

"Are you ok Amber? ANSWER ME!" i flinched at his tone. all of a sudden i felt my body go numb as i saw black dots cloud my eyes and darkness surrounded me. 

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