Chapter 13

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" Amber i can't believe you!" drew growled currently we were back in his room and hes been lecturing me about "my actions"

" i had to help her" i said getting more ticked off by the second

" no you didn't you chose to help her amber you didn't have too" his green eyes piercing into my blue ones.

" sorry i wanted to save a 3 year old girl?" note the sarcasm

" you shouldn't of"

" well i did"


" Because kidnapper" venom laced into my words "i care about her"

Memories from watching my parents being ripped to shreads flashed in my memories

" You just dont care about anyone but yourself" i spat at him holding back the tears that threatened to spill

his lips formed into a tight line as his eyes basically pierced through my soul. But i wasn't going to apologize for the truth.

" I. Care."

was all he said before before he stormed towards the door, once he put his hand on the doornob and turned to me

" Amber shes diffrent, Shes us, like me"

" what does like you mean?"

" Amber, im a werewolf"



"Amber, im a werewolf" i said before i could stop myself

she gave me a blank expression and then started laughing.

she thought i was joking?

" that....that was funny" she said pretending to wipe fake tears from under her eyes.

i felt my anger raise as i shifted.

i shifted right in front of her....

her mouth hung open as she didn't say anything. As my wolf approched her she backed away, my wolf slightly whimpered at her actions but continued to close in on her.

she started to calm down but didnt move

" can you shift back? i mean i hate you either way you just look creepy when your a wolf" she said looking down at her shoes.

my wolf growled at her, and her eyes snapped up glaring at my wolfs eyes.

i quickly went to the bathroom and shifted back, i put on a shirt and some jeans.

i was about to walk out as the door to the bathroom was slamed shut and something was put to block it

" you really think that'll stop m-" then i heard the bedroom door slam shut.


i kept attacking the door trying to get out. when i finally gave up i mindlinked my third in command

' zack'


' can you come to my room? my mate locked me in the bathroom..'

' hahaha sure drew'

' its alpha for you'

' do you want help or not?'

'fine' i grumbled and cut off the link



i rushed out of the room and searched for maddison around this mansion. I saw madlynn, she waved to me as her blonde curls bounced

" hey madlynn! do you know where madison is?" i asked her getting down on my knees

" oh oh oh! mommy says that their going to put her out of the pack! cause she not a w-wolf like us! instead she transf-oms into a leopard" she whispered to me

" where is she" i gritted through my teeth

" i saw dem go to the garden" madlynn replied

" thanks" i kissed her head and ran to the garden

" madison!"i yelled as she was being surrounded by many men

i ran too her at full speed as men stepped in my way.

" move or i swear ill get drew to kick your ass" i said almost yelling

they flinched but didnt move

" you madison flood are offi-"

i quickly punched both the guys in the nose and kicked the others where the sun doesn't shine.

" STOP" i said breathlessly

i ran to maddison and knelt down and brought her to my chest as her little hands wrapped their hands around my neck

" Madam, No one is to be in charge of her this is mandatory, We must kick her out of the pack" the man spoke from above

"take care of her....please"

" i am.... before her mother passed.... she put me in charge" i said meeting with the mans eyes

i felt maddisons tears soak my shirt but i didnt care.

"madam we have to-" he started to speak as i picked maddi up and brought her inside leaving the man screaming after me.

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