Chapter 5

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I woke up in the back of a van. It didn't take long for me to realize that there was ropes around my wrist and my ankles.

" Do you think that shes awake yet?" I heard a voice ask

" Drew calm down she'll love you. Let her sleep. " the guy said chuckling.


Instead of screaming i started to untie the knots. I guess long nails come in handy sometimes.

It took a matter of time before i untied my hands. Soon following my ankles and i was free

" Like hell ill love you" i mumbled before opening the back of the van and jumping out.


All of a sudden i felt a wave of cold air hit my back. I slowly turned my head around.

The back was open.

" Fuck! Stop the car!" I yelled at my beta Cole.

The van screeched as we pulled over almost hitting a tree. I quickly changed into my wolf to find her quickly. I smelt her in the woods.


I'm hiding in the trees. Literally. I climbed the nearest tree as soon as i got into the woods. Soon following i saw a wolf sniffing around looking frantically everywhere.

It was a black wolf. I felt my hands get sweaty, and started hoping it wasn't a creepy ass human wolf thing. i started to lose balance. I quickly took a rock that was stuck between 2 branches and threw it.

This sent the wolf running i used this time to re position myself in the tree.

" Shit" as i looked down the same black wolf was looking at me with a cocky smirk.

I glared at it. Realizing that it reminded me of the guy who kidnapped me. i decided to use some magic.

I felt as an evil smile played across my lips. I brought one of my hands up behind my back and started twirling. As i did this the leaves began to encircle the wolf. I kept this up until i was in a new tree. I watched the astonished face of the wolf.

I don't know how I'm able to do it but I'm able to do inhuman things... My philosophy is that my mom was a witch. But i just never knew her long enough to know.

I snapped out of the tree. Literally snapped the branch snapped.

I graced myself before i felt to hands catch me. The sparks i felt were amazing. I kept my eyes shut and inhaled his sent.

" Are you OK?" He asked full of concern.
I opened my eyes and was paired with the same pair of green eyes.

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