Chapter 17

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As drew carried me up with ease too his room and laid me on his bed

" the pack doctor will be here shortly." he said as he kissed my forehead. all of a sudden i heard a little voice "Momm- Amba?" i looked and saw madison in the door frame with Snow behind her and madlynn holding snows hand. No matter how much pain i was in i didn't want madison to know what happened especially with what happened to her parents.

" Madison! come here darling" i said as i sat up straight and patted a spot next to me on my bed. She quickly ran over to the side of the bed and took in my apperince.

"Amba wa happen?" she said barley pronouncing the 'what' in that her question.

i smiled the best i could without my lip hurting.

"Dont worry maddi its all makeup!" i said panicking on telling her what really happened.

" you wook wike mommy befor she went to de angies" madison said tearing up. i quickly grabbed her, ignoring the pain in my stomach and put her on my lap.


Once Amber put madison on her lap i started to freak out,doesnt she realize that ambers hurt! why is she doing that she could kill amber with all her weight!

'Drew shes four shes not gonna hurt amber!' Snow told me through the mindlink i snapped my head in her direction

'i know, im just worried.' i replied honestly.

'well ambers gonna be fine heres the pack doctor now' Snow repiled moving out of the way so Samantha, our pack doctor could get to work.

" Get better amber! ill check on you tomorrow!" snow said before picking up madlynn and walking out of the room.

something seemed a little off with her, she seemed sad and depressed. now that i think about it cole was all pissy and upset this moring so they probably got into another fight.

Truth is Snow and Cole haven't been dating long only for 3 months. On snows 18th birthday party cole was drunk and got her in a room and raped her. i knew i had to remove him as beta and kick him out of the pack. but snow came running to me and told me that she was his mate, and she couldn't let him go.

i was fustrated but agreed, since cole was drunk and his wolf was entranced by her 'lilac and vanilla sent' as Cole put it, it wasn't entirley his fault.

6 months later? Madlynn was born. Snow didn't accept Cole for those whole six months, he tried so hard to get to her though, he wouldnt even sleep he'd watch her and make sure she was ok. Of course they raised madlynn together but on her 4th birthday snow finally let him in and now their relationships kinda rocky.

i was brought outta my thoughts when i heard amber hiss in pain. Madison was on her left side while sam was working by the right side of the bed. i quickly ran over and carfully slipped on to the bed right next to madison......

and to be honest, we'd be a cute family.

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