Chapter 1

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" Amber....Amber....AMBER!" my brother screamed trying to clam me down.

" calm down their just late, don't worry so much " he kept reassuring me. The thing is... my parents are never late, they always come at 7 sharp. its 8 now, I know somethings wrong, they would have told me if they were going to be late. At the moment i was pacing inside my house in front of the front door.

" Amber! come eat some mac and cheese! " my brother Danny yelled at me i sighed and went to the kitchen right when i got there i saw the light from outside me being the curious 9 year old went to see why the door was open. I squealed of joy when i saw my parents car. My Mom slipped out of the car as my father did the same the cautiously looked around. I called my brother who ran out to them.

Something stopped me, my petite frame to run out there. all of a sudden 4 massive wolfs came out and attacked my parents and my brother. I stood there in shock as i watched my family be attacked by these wolves. My parents have always told me what to do in an emergency. one thing, the only one that i remembered.

Hide in the attic

" AMBER RUN!" my mom yelled at me snapping me out of my shock. All wolves snapped and turned to look at me. I saw my dad push Danny to run away. A wolf suddenly jumped on him, the three others stared to close in on me. i started to stumble backwards until my back hit the door.

right when I shut the door the wolves made eye contact with me through the windows. I ran up the stairs to the attic, realizing that the attic wasn't going to stop them i jumped into the ventilation system.

" Those damn hunters" i heard a voice, to afraid to cry i peaked through the vent.

there was a man, maybe in his late 30s walking, with 3 other wolves surrounding him.

" Shift" he said " we'll find her faster" as soon as he said that i saw the 3 wolves turn into people. I couldn't even scream, and i felt my eyes roll back


" Amber... Amber! ARE YOU SLEEPING IN MY CLASS?" I heard my teacher yell. Mrs. Nickels, shes rude and inconsiderate and  annoying.

"Well answer me?! would you?" she said in my face not even caring that her spit was getting all over me.

i quickly shook my head, wiping the spit that got under my eye and started doodling on my paper.

" Words Amber WORDS!" Mrs. Nickels said but i sat there silently as i heard the snickers and stifled laughter's, this encouraged my teacher to keep going.

" Amber this is English class, your here to speak ENGLISH"

"BURNNNN" Jake said, captain of the football team... if you can't tell hes a complete dick.

I stayed silent and Mrs. Nickels walked away glaring at me and continued her lesson.

Well i probably should introduce myself so you don't think I'm a COMPLETE freak. I'm Amber Woods, i have jet black hair, with ice blue eyes, cool right? I've always loved my eyes, i think there pretty cool. I'm 17, and i don't have many friends. Scratch that, i don't have any friends.

i heard the bell ring signaling the end of the day. I quickly gathered my things and scurried out the door.

I went straight to my locker, i opened it taking out my jacket, my books and pencils. once i got out of the school, I put my bag on and got on my bike.

it was my dads bike, he always told me how biking calmed him down i never understood until now. I kept biking till i reached my destination.

The Library.

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