Chapter 10

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I looked across the floor as i saw the beautiful women, who seemed to be afraid of me completly. 

as i walked towards her i felt her whole body tense, i sat next to her, and observed her. We sat in silence as she started to drift asleep, she causiously leaned her head on my shoulder. 

i smiled, she was actually opening up to me, my wolf was killing me to get closer to her and to be able to feel the sparks.

all of a sudden she started gripping my shirt for dear life, and shaking uncontrolably 

" amber, amber AMBER!" i started to yell as i got more panicked her eyes snapped open and she looked around visably relaxing from her surroundings.

then she turned and saw me, i could see tons and tons of tears pouring out of her eyes

" it was my fault" " all my fault" she whispered looking at me. 

" amber calm down no-" she burried her face into my shirt as she sobbed, i didn't know what to do so i started to rub her back

"Why?" she said as she looked up at me, her beautiful voice flowing into my ears 

" Why do i get these sparks when you touch me? i don't get it?" she pushed looking for an answer in my eyes.

i smirked and looked down at her 

" not now princess your tired" i told her 

" no im not"

" yes you are" 




"You are"

" im not tired" she yawned out 

" see? you are" i smirked out 

" go to sleep" i told her but it sounded like more of an order 

she glared at me and got up but i quickly grabbed her waist and pulled her back on to my lap, she was squirming in my lap as a blush crept onto her cheeks. 

she stoped squirming and fell asleep soon after, again

i picked her up and brought her back to my room in the pack house, i placed her onto my bed and kissed her forehead and walked out. 

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