Chapter 2

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The Library was the one place that i liked, it was calm and well not many people came which made it comforted me.

" Amber! How have you been?" Laura said engulfing me in a hug, now before i said i had no friends but Laura by far is the closest I've had to a friend. Shes around 30 years old and works at the library, ive bonded a lot with her, shes the only person i actually trust.

" good" i replied and returned the hug. " your seat is ready" she said pointing to my usual seat

i nodded and sat down as she brought me some hot chocolate.

" Laura, you don't need to-"

" nonsense, nonsense, its fall! its getting colder!! have some!"



"Laura I-"

" If you don't drink some ill kick you out" she said smirking. I relectantly took the cup and took a few sips and let the warmness fill my body.

I thanked her and started to do my homework. By the time i finished it was about 7. I put every thing in my bag and went out the door, i got on my bike and rode home.

Once I got home i saw a car in my driveway, more percicley a van. I quickly hid in the bushes extremely nervous.

1 there was a creepy car in my driveway

2 I was hiding in bushes and 3..

i was terrified of the bushes.

" WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE NEVER DIED!" i heard a voice booming from inside my house. i heard glass shattering and pans hitting the ground.

" we never found her alpha, we assumed she died..-" " Well obviously not!!!" this alpha dude shouted.


i quickly called 911. Shaking and waited for them to come. Once the cops came, the intruders started running out and into their van. 4 men, i recognized them, then i realized it... these were the same 4 men that killed my family, the same ones that tried to find me for months when i was stuck in the vent. The 4 men who ruined me...

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