Chapter 38

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HI GUYS!! thank you so much for 8K reads it actually means so much! you all are so sweet and i absolutely love reading all of your lovely comments :) Heres chapter 38! keep commenting and voting!! Enjoy!! :)


 "Hi I'm Ben" a voice said from behind me in a monotone voice. i turned around and was met with ice cold blue eyes. He looked to be a bit....Angry. His brown hair was tousled around and he was giving me a stone cold glare.

" Amber....." i said trailing off as i took it in. 


Drew left me with a psycho

"Well I'm going to go get some water?" i said but it came out as more of a question he nodded as i walked passed him as he followed me.

i sighed as i went to the fridge and pushed a button as it poured the water into my glass cup. 

" Wait" Ben said before he took the water from me and but a piece of paper in it. I watched wordlessly as the paper dissolved in the water. That was NOT normal.

" Amber, that's not water that's Acid"


"WHAT!" Drew yelled as he barged in, the door flew forward smacking against the wall and shattering into a million pieces. 

" Amber are you OK?" he quickly asked me as he hugged me "Drew I'm fine, thank Ben he saved my life" 

Drew quickly thanked Ben and started asking him questions about the acid with me by his side

'they're coming'

what who's coming?

'the hunters Sandy is feeding them information she escaped 3 days ago' 

Anger filled me. Wouldn't Drew have told me if she escaped? for me AND Madisons good?

" Amber, amber" Drew said snapping me out of my trance

" When were you going to tell me?" i snapped at him 

" What?" 

" that Sandy escaped" 

his mouth formed an 'o' as i stood up and started walking towards the door 

"Oh and by the way they're coming"


"the hunters" i said before i slammed the door shut.

i needed to cool down

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