Chapter 51

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I was released from the pack hospital the next day. My head was killing me as i walked back to the pack house and laid down on the bed. 


I couldn't believe that tomorrow i was supposed to die.

The bullets affected were wearing on me I felt the drowsiness start on me. I groaned laying down on my pillow. Drew rushed into the room. Calming down once our eyes met. 

"Come on lets go get breakfast" He said with a small crack in his voice. I pretended not to notice as i nodded and followed him into the kitchen. I got sad looks from everyone as i entered the kitchen.

"Wheres Madison?" i asked Drew as he stopped in his tracks. "Her um- her brother came, he's her legal guardian."

My mouth formed in an 'o' shape as my face slightly dropped. 

"shes gone?" i asked, my voice slightly shaking. His sad eyes told me that he wasn't lying. 

I sat down on a chair as the tears  willingly came down my face. he brought me a cup of coffee but it didn't help one bit. 

After i had coffee and ate breakfast i went upstairs and changed into a lavender purple dress that had a zipper along the back and hugged my waist before it flared out. 


I spent the rest of the day with Drew, we walked around the field he showed me on the first day I had arrived. 

"Amber you're beautiful" he said as he twirled me around in the field of flowers.

"Even with a white bandage on my head?" i asked with a sad smile.

"Even with that" he replied as he kissed my head. 

He sat down on the feild, dragging me onto his lap. He twirled my hair, as i just sat there, still thinking about Maddison. how could she be gone?

"Amber" Drew spoke snapping me out of my gaze, i looked over at him.  He slowly unraveled the the bandage that covered my head. I smiled at him.

"Please don't be sad, Maddison will be fine" 


"Drew" i asked once we were back into his room. 

"Could you unzip this i can't get it" i finished motioning to the back of my dress where the zipper was. He came over and i felt his hot fingers on my skin as he moved my hair out of the way and slowly started to unzip it. 

"Drew" i whispered 

"Amber" he replied shakily 

"There's one last thing i wanna do before i die" i said, "Mate"

And that's how my last night was turned into the best one ever.

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