Chapter 4

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I climbed up into the trees until they couldn't see me. They growled and grunted as they saw me disappear. Than I did what i never thought was possible.

I swung from tree to tree.
Legit. Like a monkey. I didn't realize how stupid werewolf's were until that moment. I was Able to swing tree by tree back to my house. I crept through the window from my tree branch. That ironically went into the attic. I went to the kitchen and brought food up with me.
And lots, i mean lots of nutella.

When i woke up my arms felt completely sore. It was about six so i started to get ready for school. I put on a black shirt with a blue flannel and leggings, with some black combat boots. And braided my jet black straight hair.
As you can tell, I'm not some crazy girly girl.

I walked to my bike and rode to the school. Put my bike in my usual spot and entered through the doors.

I took a deep breath as i entered and went to class.

First class

I didn't mind math. My teacher didn't really force me to talk and it was a fun subject depending on the way you looked at it .... I'm in AP math, or calculus which is odd for a junior.

I went through several of the rest of the day social studies, french, music technology, and ap chemistry. At lunch i sat alone, as usual.

Now this class i was dreading.

I hate this class so much which is a shame i would have liked it if it wasnt for my bitch of a teacher.

" Welcome class! Amber..." Mrs. Nickels glared at me as i sat down

" Late, as usual. " she said. Which is completely not true! I'm always on time.

Once the bell rung i got out of that class and let out a breath i didn't know i was holding in. I got my bike an rode to the library.

When i got there i greeted Laura and started to do my homework. I finished around 8. Luckily to be done pretty early i got up and out on my bike.

My bike broke.
It goddamn broke.

Currently I'm walking home in the pitch black

"Great. Just great" i said stuffing my hands in my pockets and walking home.

All of a sudden i heard a growl, i quickly picked up my pace. I heard the growl again and slowly turned around.
I met the most beautiful pair of green eyes.

I looked and realized this was probably the HOTTEST guy ive seen.
He looked at me an growled in an inhuman way.
"Mate. "

His arm grabbed towards my collar, but i reacted quickly slapping it as it came i took my bag and slapped it across his face.

He fell back, receiving all the force from my backpack. Two hands grabbed me from behind. Assuming it was a guy i kneed him in the crotch. As he fell on the ground.

I mumbled an apology before i ran for it.

" Sorry" she mumbled before sprinting away.

This infuriated me
My. Mate. Ran. From. Me.
I quickly got up running and catching up to her.

Once i reached her i grabbed her wrist yanking her back. I looked at her ice blue eyes as the tears poured out of her beautiful eyes.

While i took the time to look at her eyes she stepped harshly on the bridge of my foot and punched my nose. As soon as i let go... SHE RAN.... AGAIN.

No one disrespects me. I am the alpha, well soon to be alpha. Once my dad rids of the hunters. Plus we have the biggest pack in North America.

The blue moon pack.

We have over 500 members.

I quickly snapped my attention back to my running mate.

I ran up to her and grabbed her arms so her back was on my chest

" Guess it had to come to this" i said aggravated and put a cloth with chloroform and put it on her mouth. After a while i looked to see if she was out.


That dick.

I'm currently not breathing due to this guy stupidity. Really? You have to catch me when I'm not expecting it so I'm still breathing. He peaked around and looked at me.

His eyes widened realizing i was still awake.

"You dickhead." I breathed out before blackness enveloped me.

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