Chapter 7

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I've been here for hours. Stuck in this room while this guy is asking me questions.
I started to zone out after he asked me what my favorite color was.
"Fine fine i guess playing twenty questions was a bad idea " my kidnapper or Drew said.

"I'm gonna go get some orange juice.... You want some?" I shook my head and watched him leave.

This is my chance... At least my chance to escape. I stumbled out of the room and started going through corridors and corridors. Finally I came upon a room with a huge bay window. Then I realized it to be a library.

I went into there and found a couple of books. I took them and went to find a seat.
While taking a book out something clicked, as the wall started coming out. I saw a really old set of swirly stairs and there were cobwebs all over it showing that it hasn't been used in years. As i went up the stairs trying to avoid all the cobwebs.

When i got to the top i saw a room. It had a small window that was giving it some light, with a window seat attached to it.  there was a carpet on the ground with a small table 

Yea it was pretty dusty but i could fix it up. i saw a broom in the corner next to a wardrobe and started sweeping. i took the other end of the broom and got rid of all the spiderwebs by twirling it around them. when i was done i opened the window just a crack and slid the cobwebs out the window. when i was done i sat down and started to read my books. 


"WHERE IS SHE!" my voice boomed through the house

"w-w-what Drew?" my beta Cole asked he never stutters around me, only when I'm pissed hes a great beta, just a little soft. 

"find her" i glared at him as i could feel my teeth clench. he nodded obediently rushed out the door as i went to search the house. 

i smelt her sent in the library, as i entered she was nowhere to be seen, Cole came in after me, i continued looking frantically for her all over the library. 

" where could she be be" i mumbled to myself. 

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