Untitled Part 9

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When i woke up i was still in Drews long black shirt, but my surroundings changed, i was in a white room and i could tell right away it was a hospital.

" Hi"

i turned around too see a girl around my age with fiery red hair and blue eyes sitting in one of the chairs in the room.

" im Aneria, but you can call me Snow." she said while shrugging and walking towards me

" why?" i said barley above a whisper looking down at my hands

she plopped down on my bed

" cause it Aneria means snow" she said looking at me.

" well im Amber" i started

" so you do talk?"

"what? course i do"

" well Drew said you didn't"

"sorry i dont like to talk to kidnappers" i replied shivering about the memory of when he took me. she smirked,

" i think we'll get along" she said nudging my shoulder

" he kidnapped you too?" i asked" wait- he kidnapped you?" she replied looking shocked

" yea..." i started, but by then she walked out the door and slamed it shut

" DREWW" i heard her yell from outside the door

" what!" i heard him somewhat.. growl back.

" you kidnapped her?" Aneira seemed beyond pissed

" yea i ha- wait how did you know?" he asked seeming to be more astonished than angry

" she told me" Aneira said shrugging it off

" she actually spoke to you!!" drew growled back in response

" yes big brother" as she said that i froze in realization.

i spoke to my kidnappers sister.

All of a sudden the door flew open with two angry people, Drew and Snow, who seemed to be mad at Drew.

" I can't Believe you drew"

" moms gonna be pissed"

" shes not our actual mom!" Drew growled back

" ok so step-mom" snow corrected herself

they continued to fight and the worst part was that they were right next to the hospital bed


my eyes widened in realization and i bolted towards the door as tears fell down my face i got in the bathroom and locked it as i heard their footsteps quickly behind me.

i pressed my head around the bathroom tile as the tears continued to pour down my cheek


" Mom! Dad!" i yelled looking around for any clues of what happened to them, trying too look through attic windows aren't the best. i heard footsteps quickly behind me as i jumped in the ventalation shaft.

3 men shifted from wolves to humans. i could have sworn there were 4 of them the last one came in hauling my mothers and fathers dead bodies.

end of flashback ******

i was brought back to reality when the door came crashing down causing me to scurry back

i looked up and realized it was Drew. Snow was nowhere to be seen.

She left me alone with the kidnapper. even worse.... her brother

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